Selected Publications


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  • G. Anastasi, I. Giannetti, A. Passarella, A BitTorrent Proxy for Green Internet File Sharing: Design and Experimental Evaluation, Computer Communications, Vol. 33, N. 7, pp. 794-802, May 2010. Elsevier. (Download).



  • I. Giannetti, G. Anastasi, M. Conti, Energy Efficient P2P File Sharing for Residential BitTorrent Users, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2012), Cappadocia, Turkey, July 1-4, 2012. (To appear.)

  • G. Anastasi, M. Conti, I. Giannetti, A. Passarella, Design and Evaluation of a BitTorrent Proxy for Energy Saving, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009), Sousse, Tunisia, July 5-8, 2009. (Download)




  • G. Anastasi, M. Conti, I. Giannetti, A. Passarella, Green Internet File Sharing through Energy Efficient BitTorrent, Proceedings of the COST Action IC0804 on Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems - 1st Year, JM. Pierson and H. Hlavacs, Editors. July 2010. ISBN: 978-2-917490-10-5. Published by IRIT. 100 pages. (Download)


Book Chapters

  • G. Anastasi, M. Conti, M. Di Francesco, I. Giannetti, Design, Implementation, and Field Experimentation of a Long-lived Multi-hop Sensor Network for Vineyard Monitoring, Chapter 16 in Methodologies and Technologies for Networked Enterprises - Lecture Notes in Service Science, G. Anastasi, E. Bellini, E. Di Nitto, C. Ghezzi, L. Tanca, and E. Zimeo Editors. Pp 329 - 346. LNCS 7200, Springer, 2012. (Download)