./ 40755 423 423 0 7052457470 6553 5ustar luigiINSTALL100644 423 423 2655 7052457603 7552 0ustar luigi*** INSTALL NOTES for PGM *** Luigi Rizzo (luigi@iet.unipi.it) *** 16 february 2000 >>> ONLY THE FIRST TIME YOU INSTALL THIS CODE, you need to patch a few system files with the hooks for pgm using the patchfile named kpgm--.patch The files affected are at most the following /sys/conf/files /sys/conf/options /sys/netinet/in.h /sys/netinet/in_proto.c (but newer releases of FreeBSD might already include the necessary hooks). To patch your system sources, do the following cd / patch < YOUR_PATCH_FILE (patches are hand-edited and small, if something goes wrong or you don't trust the automatic process you can apply them by hand). >>> everytime you install a new release, replace the files indicated below with the ones coming from the archive: * copy the following four files to /sys/netinet pgm.h pgm_var.h pgm_timer.c pgm_usrreq.c * copy the following two files to /usr/include/netinet pgm.h pgm_var.h * copy the following file to /usr/share/man/man4 pgm.4 To compile a pgm-enabled kernel you need to put options PGM in your kernel config file, then use the usual sequence to build a kernel (config, make depend, make). BUILDING APPLICATIONS The command "man pgm" gives you a few information on how to build applications using PGM (the interface is very simple) and on the sysctl variables that control PGM parameters. The pgmcat*.tgz archive contains a sample application. README.pgm100644 423 423 13426 7052457725 10206 0ustar luigiREADME.pgm -- architecture of PGM implementation The code is made of four files pgm.h main include files with PGM definitions. pgm_var.h protocol control blocks, data structures and kernel procedures pgm_timer.c timers and input handling pgm_usrreq.c user calls and output handling PGM sockets are created with the socket() system call, initially in an uncommitted state (PGM_NEW) where they cannot do any I/O. Senders must initialize a socket using both the bind() and connect() system calls. bind() is optional and is used to select a local port to be used in the transmission -- the port is part of the TSI for the session. If used, bind() must be called before a connect(). connect() is used to select the multicast (or unicast ?) address and port of the destination. It also starts the state machine for the sender, starting the transmission of SPM for the session. Receivers are only initialized with the bind() system call in one of the two available modes: raw receivers and full receivers. Raw receiver sockets are created by passing to the bind() call only the local endpoint, and a zero TSI. This makes the socket able to receive all PGM packets addressed to that group/port, but without running the PGM state machine or sending NAKs. This mode can be used to learn the TSI associated to a session Full receivers are created by passing a fully instantiated sockaddr_pgm to the bind() call, i.e. including the full TSI for the session. Such a call starts the full PGM receiver state machine (including data reassembly, reordering, and repair requests. PROTOCOL CONTROL BLOCK A single control block is used, but it really contains info for both sender and receiver state (this might be fixed in a future release by separating sender and receiver descriptor). Common fields include: + the usual back pointer to struct inpcb; + descriptor state name; + TSI used for the session; + network layer addresses for the multicast group and next hop. + socket buffer sizes. + a template header used for transmissions. Sender variables include: + window variables; + a pointer into the socket buffer to decide which ODATA packet is the next one to transmit; + a queue of pending retransmit requests; + a timeout queue used to expire packets from the window. + state variables used by the traffic shaper; + variables used to schedule SPM. Receiver data structures are the biggest ones and include: + window variables; + a queue of descriptors for each present or missing packet; descriptors for missing packet also contain retransmit state; CODE PATHS User calls are handled via the usual socket primitives and protosw[] calls. Unsupported functions (such as listen() and accept()) return an error, supported ones are routed to the corresponding pgm_XXX() calls. socket() invokes pgm_attach() which in turn creates a new descriptor in state PGM_NEW. ind() is only valid in state PGM_NEW. It calls pgm_bind() which initializes the state of the descriptor and possibly commits to one of the available modes. connect() is only valid in state PGM_NEW or PGM_SENDER. It completes initialization of sender sockets and starts the generation of SPM, also enabling transmission on the socket. close() and shutdown() cause the socket to be closed, state to be flushed... TODO: check if we can leave sender sockets lingering for pending repair requests. write() and friends result in a call to pgm_send() which schedules transmission of a packet. The packet is queued into the socket buffer, and transmitted through the traffic shaper at the programmed rate. Zero length writes should not be allowed as they might be confused with other situations such as a hole or end of transmission. read() and friends just grab packets from the socket buffer, where they have been placed by the input handlers described below. In case of a non-recoverable hole in the data stream, a read returns a zero-length segment (TODO see if can be made to return an error) and a specific getsockopt() must be invoked to determine the number of missing segments and restart regular input. INPUT HANDLING input pgm packets are passed to pgm_input() which does basic checks, strips the IP header, and passes the packet to all matching sockets. This code uses a trick (borrowed from udp_input) to avoid unnecessary copies: a loop scanning descriptor is run, and when a matching socket is found the packet is first copied and delivered to the previously matching socket, and then the new socket is recorded. A final pass takes care of the last matching socket, this time without copying. Delivery is done inline for raw receivers, calling pgm_rx_in() for full receivers, and by immediately sending a NCF and inserting the request in the repair queue for sender sockets (further interventions will be done by the timer XXX check that there is no deadlock). pgm_rx_in runs the pgm receiver state machine, mostly following the spec except for some deviations done for efficiency. TIMERS The PGM layer makes use of two timers. One is coarse grained (0.5s) and is used to handle retransmissions, backoffs and packet expiration. Called by slowtimo(). The second one is fine-grained, called once per timer tick (i.e. every 1..10ms) and is used to schedule packet transmissions on senders (namely, ODATA and RDATA). It is only active when there are sender sockets with pending ODATA/RDATA. DATA STRUCTURES The reassembly queue is a list of records with head and tail pointers. Short-circuit pointers are used for holes so it is much faster to retrieve them. The expire queue is currently a fifo queue. Enhancements are very simple: + manage a free list autonomously; + collapse entries for packets expiring at the same time. This is trivial, just add a count field. Ought to implement some form of fair queueing in the output scheduler. pgm.4100644 423 423 22644 7051002053 7371 0ustar luigi.\" Copyright (c) 1999 .\" Luigi Rizzo .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $Id$ .\" .Dd Febraury 9, 2000 .Dt PGM 4 .Os FreeBSD 3.2 .Sh NAME .Nm pgm .Nd PGM multicast Protocol .Sh SYNOPSIS .Fd #include .Fd #include .Fd #include .Fd #include .Ft int .Fn socket AF_INET SOCK_SEQPACKET IPPROTO_PGM .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Tn PGM protocol provides support for reliable multicast data transfer from one source to many receivers. It implements the .Dv SOCK_SEQPACKET abstraction on multicast sockets. PGM uses the standard Internet address format and, in addition, provides a per-host collection of .Dq port addresses . Furthermore, a PGM session is identified by a 64-bit value called TSI, which is made of a 16-bit .Dv source port (SPORT) and a 48-bit unique host identifier called .Dv GSI. .Pp PGM traffic can be transmitted on one or more multicast groups (or even unicast addresses ?). .Pp Sockets utilizing the PGM protocol are unidirectional, and configured in any of the following states: unbound, sender, raw receiver, full receiver. .Pp PGM sockets are created with the .Xr socket 2 systemi call in an .Dq unbound state where they cannot either send or receive any traffic. .Sh PGM RECEIVERS PGM receivers must issue the .Xr bind 2 system call to configure the socket as a .Dq raw receiver or .Dq full receiver Bind is called with a struct sockaddr_pgm structure described below, which is an extension of struct sockaddr_in : .Bd -literal -offset indent struct sockaddr_pgm { u_int8_t sin_len; u_int8_t sin_family; u_int16_t sin_port; struct in_addr sin_addr; u_int32_t gsid_low ; u_int16_t gsid_high ; u_int16_t sport ; }; .Ed sin_family must contain AF_INET. sin_addr must contain the multicast address used for the communication. sin_port must contain the local port (DPORT) used for the communication. Binding to an address with a null TSI (i.e. gsid_low, gsid_high, sport are all zero) causes the socket to become a .Dq raw receiver , which simply passes up all received packets matching the specified address. This allows for example a receiver to listen to a given multicast group/port and collect the TSI to be used for receiving the actual data. .Pp Binding to an address that contains a full TSI makes the socket a .Dq full receiver , where the full PGM receiver state machine is run and only data packets are delivered to the reader, in sequential order, and using the PGM recovery procedures to collect missing packets. .Pp Note that .Xr bind 2 cannot be executed twice on the same socket. This means that a raw receiver socket cannot transformed at a later time into a full receiver. A new socket must be created instead, and the old one can be closed or kept open. .Pp Note that an application must issue an explicit .Xr setsockopt 2 call to JOIN the desired multicast group (matching the address specified in the bind() call) in order to actually receive the multicast data. .Pp .Sh Receiving data A receiver will normally read incoming packets with .Xr read 2 .Xr recv 2 or .Xr recvmsg 2 calls. A raw receiver will simply return packets in the order they are received, and including the PGM headers. A full receiver will normally return sequenced packets, or an error when an unrecoverable hole occurs. In this case, normal reception can only be recovered by issuing the .Dq PGM_HOLE_SIZE .Xr getsockopt 2 call to determine the size of the hole (in packets) and re-enable the delivery of data packets to the application. .Pp .Pp .Sh PGM SENDERS .Dq sender sockets require a .Xr connect 2 system calls to be issued before being able to transmit. The connect() call is used to specify the multicast address and port used for transmission. Optionally, a .Xr bind 2 can be invoked before the connect to set the SPORT part of the TSI. In this case, the struct sockaddr_pgm should contain a null GSI, INADDR_ANY as sin_addr, a non-null sin_port and the same value in sport. .Sh Sending data .Pp Normally, a sender will use any of the .Xr write 2 or .Xr send 2 calls to transmit packets, which are buffered at the PGM sender socket and cause packets to be transmitted according to the PGM scheduler. Socket options can be used to determine the window advance method. .Sh OPTIONS .Tn PGM supports a number of socket options which can be set with .Xr setsockopt 2 and tested with .Xr getsockopt 2 : .Bl -tag -width PGMx .It Dv PGM_TXW_SIZE sets the maximum size of the transmit window, in bytes. .It Dv PGM_TXW_MAX_RATE sets the maximum rate to be used for the transmission of data packets, in bit/s. .It Dv PGM_TRAIL_ADVANCE specifies the trail advance policy. Currently TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER policy is fully supported, TRAIL_ADVANCE_DATA is supported but can be optimized, TRAIL ADVANCE_USER is still unimplemented. .It Dv PGM_ODATA_LIFETIME specifies the lifetime (in seconds) of ODATA packets in the transmit window. Used with the TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER policy. .It Dv PGM_OPT_JOIN enable late joining option on receiver. .It Dv PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE enable sending packet loss report on receiver. Used for congestione control. .It Dv PGM_NAK_MC enable sending optional multicast NAK with ttl 1. .It Dv PGM_HOLE_SIZE readonly, is used to fetch the currently known size of holes in the data sequence, and it is necessary to re-enable the delivery of data packets to the application. .It Dv PGM_TSI readonly, is used to read the TSI of the local host. Need to pass a pgm_sockaddr structure. .El .Pp The option level for the .Xr setsockopt 2 call is the protocol number for .Tn PGM , available from .Xr getprotobyname 3 , or .Dv IPPROTO_PGM . All options are declared in .Aq Pa netinet/pgm.h . .Pp Options at the .Tn IP transport level may be used with .Tn PGM ; see .Xr ip 4 . .Sh MIB VARIABLES The .Nm protocol implements three variables in the .Li net.inet.pgm branch of the .Xr sysctl 3 MIB. .Bl -tag -width sendspacexx .It Dv pgm_sendspace pgm sender window size (default 128*1024 bytes). .It Dv pgm_recvspace pgm receive window size (default 128*1024 bytes, currently unchecked). .It Dv pgm_bandwidth maximum sending rate, in bit/s. A value of 0 means unlimited bandwidth (default 100000 bit/s). .It Dv gsid_low, gsid_high low 32 bit and high 16 bit of the GSI. Should be set depending on the hostname etc. .It Dv pgmcksum enables the use of checksum on PGM packets (default 1). .It Dv pgm_enable_cc enable congestion control on sender (default 1). .It Dv pgm_enable_lossrate enable lossrate report on receiver (default 1). .It Dv pgm_do_ack enable ACK generation on receiver (dafault 1). .It Dv pgm_w_s16 weigth for ewma computation (default 0.992 << 16 = 65000). .It Dv cc_timeout base timeout for lack of tokens, in ticks (default 30). .It Dv spm_ivl interval between ambient SPM, in ticks (default 15). .It Dv odata_lifetime ODATA lifetime when the "advance with time" window advance method is used, in seconds (default 30). .It Dv nak_bo_ivl base for random backoff NAK timeout, in ticks (default 4). .It Dv ncf_to_ivl NCF receive timeout, in ticks (default 5). .It Dv rdata_to_ivl RDATA receive timeout, in ticks (default 20). .It Dv ncf_retries max NCF retry counter (default 10). .It Dv rdata_retries max RDATA retry counter (default 10). .El .Sh DIAGNOSTICS A socket operation may fail with one of the following errors returned: .Bl -tag -width [EADDRNOTAVAIL] .It Bq Er EISCONN when trying to establish a connection on a socket which already has one; .It Bq Er ENOBUFS when the system runs out of memory for an internal data structure; .It Bq Er ETIMEDOUT when a segment is unavailable due to excessive retransmissions; .It Bq Er EADDRINUSE when an attempt is made to create a socket with a port which has already been allocated; .It Bq Er EADDRNOTAVAIL when an attempt is made to create a socket with a network address for which no network interface exists. .It Bq Er EAFNOSUPPORT when an attempt is made to bind or connect a socket to a multicast address. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr getsockopt 2 , .Xr socket 2 , .Xr sysctl 3 , .Xr inet 4 , .Xr intro 4 , .Xr ip 4 , .Rs .%A T.Speakman et al .%T "PGM draft specification" .%O Internet Draft, http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-speakman-pgm-spec-03.txt .Re .Rs .%T "PGM Host implementation for FreeBSD" .%O http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/pgm.html .Re .Sh HISTORY The .Nm protocol appeared in .Nm FreeBSD 3.2 kpgm-3.1R-990730.patch100644 423 423 5746 6750330721 11671 0ustar luigidiff -ubwr src/sys/conf/files /mnt/src/sys/conf/files --- src/sys/conf/files Sun Jan 24 06:11:31 1999 +++ /mnt/src/sys/conf/files Fri Jul 30 12:53:05 1999 @@ -523,6 +523,8 @@ netinet/ip_proxy.c optional ipfilter inet netinet/ip_state.c optional ipfilter inet netinet/mlf_ipl.c optional ipfilter inet +netinet/pgm_timer.c optional pgm inet +netinet/pgm_usrreq.c optional pgm inet netinet/raw_ip.c optional inet netinet/tcp_debug.c optional tcpdebug netinet/tcp_input.c optional inet diff -ubwr src/sys/conf/options /mnt/src/sys/conf/options --- src/sys/conf/options Mon Feb 8 20:05:55 1999 +++ /mnt/src/sys/conf/options Fri Jul 30 12:57:26 1999 @@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ IPXIP opt_ipx.h IPTUNNEL opt_ipx.h NETATALK opt_atalk.h +PGM opt_pgm.h PPP_BSDCOMP opt_ppp.h PPP_DEFLATE opt_ppp.h PPP_FILTER opt_ppp.h diff -ubwr src/sys/netinet/in.h /mnt/src/sys/netinet/in.h --- src/sys/netinet/in.h Mon Dec 14 19:09:13 1998 +++ /mnt/src/sys/netinet/in.h Thu Jul 29 10:19:48 1999 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)in.h 8.3 (Berkeley) 1/3/94 - * $Id: in.h,v 1.38 1998/12/14 18:09:13 luigi Exp $ + * $Id: in.h,v 1999/05/04 16:23:55 luigi Exp $ */ #ifndef _NETINET_IN_H_ @@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ #define IPPROTO_ENCAP 98 /* encapsulation header */ #define IPPROTO_APES 99 /* any private encr. scheme */ #define IPPROTO_GMTP 100 /* GMTP*/ -/* 101-254: Unassigned */ +/* 101-254: Partly Unassigned */ +#define IPPROTO_PGM 113 /* PGM */ /* 255: Reserved */ /* BSD Private, local use, namespace incursion */ #define IPPROTO_DIVERT 254 /* divert pseudo-protocol */ diff -ubwr src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c /mnt/src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c --- src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c Sun Aug 23 05:07:14 1998 +++ /mnt/src/sys/netinet/in_proto.c Fri Jul 30 16:09:52 1999 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ #include "opt_ipdivert.h" #include "opt_ipx.h" +#include "opt_pgm.h" #include #include @@ -58,6 +59,10 @@ #include #include #include +#ifdef PGM +#include +#include +#endif /* * TCP/IP protocol family: IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP. */ @@ -124,6 +129,14 @@ 0, 0, 0, 0, &rip_usrreqs }, +#ifdef PGM +{ SOCK_SEQPACKET,&inetdomain, IPPROTO_PGM, PR_ATOMIC|PR_CONNREQUIRED|PR_ADDR, + pgm_input, 0, pgm_ctlinput, pgm_ctloutput, + 0, + pgm_init, pgm_fasttimo, pgm_slowtimo, pgm_drain, + &pgm_usrreqs +}, +#endif #ifdef IPDIVERT { SOCK_RAW, &inetdomain, IPPROTO_DIVERT, PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR, div_input, 0, 0, ip_ctloutput, @@ -190,6 +203,9 @@ SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_UDP, udp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "UDP"); SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_TCP, tcp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "TCP"); SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_IGMP, igmp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "IGMP"); +#ifdef PGM +SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_PGM, pgm, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "PGM"); +#endif SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_RAW, raw, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "RAW"); #ifdef IPDIVERT SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_DIVERT, div, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "DIVERT"); kpgm-3.2R-990814.patch100644 423 423 4023 6755312576 11675 0ustar luigi--- /sys/conf/files.orig Sat Jul 31 07:53:04 1999 +++ /sys/conf/files Sat Jul 31 07:53:30 1999 @@ -527,6 +527,8 @@ netinet/ip_proxy.c optional ipfilter inet netinet/ip_state.c optional ipfilter inet netinet/mlf_ipl.c optional ipfilter inet +netinet/pgm_timer.c optional pgm inet +netinet/pgm_usrreq.c optional pgm inet netinet/raw_ip.c optional inet netinet/tcp_debug.c optional tcpdebug netinet/tcp_input.c optional inet --- /sys/conf/options.orig Tue May 11 07:35:28 1999 +++ /sys/conf/options Sat Jul 31 07:53:44 1999 @@ -213,6 +213,7 @@ IPXIP opt_ipx.h IPTUNNEL opt_ipx.h NETATALK opt_atalk.h +PGM opt_pgm.h PPP_BSDCOMP opt_ppp.h PPP_DEFLATE opt_ppp.h PPP_FILTER opt_ppp.h --- /sys/netinet/in_proto.c.orig Sat Jul 31 07:55:14 1999 +++ /sys/netinet/in_proto.c Sat Jul 31 07:56:20 1999 @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ #include "opt_ipdivert.h" #include "opt_ipx.h" +#include "opt_pgm.h" #include #include @@ -58,6 +59,10 @@ #include #include #include +#ifdef PGM +#include +#include +#endif /* * TCP/IP protocol family: IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP. */ @@ -124,6 +129,14 @@ 0, 0, 0, 0, &rip_usrreqs }, +#ifdef PGM +{ SOCK_SEQPACKET,&inetdomain, IPPROTO_PGM, PR_ATOMIC|PR_CONNREQUIRED|PR_ADDR, + pgm_input, 0, pgm_ctlinput, pgm_ctloutput, + 0, + pgm_init, pgm_fasttimo, pgm_slowtimo, pgm_drain, + &pgm_usrreqs +}, +#endif #ifdef IPDIVERT { SOCK_RAW, &inetdomain, IPPROTO_DIVERT, PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR, div_input, 0, 0, ip_ctloutput, @@ -190,6 +203,9 @@ SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_UDP, udp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "UDP"); SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_TCP, tcp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "TCP"); SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_IGMP, igmp, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "IGMP"); +#ifdef PGM +SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_PGM, pgm, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "PGM"); +#endif SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_RAW, raw, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "RAW"); #ifdef IPDIVERT SYSCTL_NODE(_net_inet, IPPROTO_DIVERT, div, CTLFLAG_RW, 0, "DIVERT"); pgm.h100644 423 423 12731 7041031504 7453 0ustar luigi/* * pgm.h -- include files for PGM * * Copyright (c) 1999 Luigi Rizzo * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef _NETINET_PGM_H_ #define _NETINET_PGM_H_ typedef u_int32_t pgm_seq ; #define PGM_SEQ_LT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) < 0) #define PGM_SEQ_LEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) <= 0) #define PGM_SEQ_GT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) > 0) #define PGM_SEQ_GEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) >= 0) /* * the header of a PGM packet, which is always present. * Basically we consider the header of a data pkt, other pkts * are extensions to it. */ struct pgmhdr { u_int16_t ph_sport ; u_int16_t ph_dport ; u_int8_t type ; #define PGM_SPM_TYPE 0 #define PGM_OD_TYPE 4 #define PGM_RD_TYPE 5 #define PGM_NAK_TYPE 8 #define PGM_NNAK_TYPE 9 #define PGM_NCF_TYPE 10 #define PGM_ACK_TYPE 11 /* for cong.control */ u_int8_t options ; #define PGM_OPT_PRESENT 0x01 /* there are option extentions */ #define PGM_OPT_NE_PRESENT 0x02 /* there are NE-significant opt.ext. */ #define PGM_OPT_PARITY 0x80 /* this is a parity pkt */ /* XXX pisa extensions */ #define PGM_OPT_FIN2 0x20 /* no more data here! */ #define PGM_OPT_JOIN2 0x40 /* can join to trail */ u_int16_t checksum ; u_int32_t gsid_low ; u_int16_t gsid_high ; u_int16_t tsdu_len ; /* * all packets have a couple of sequence numbers here, but * their meaning differs. */ pgm_seq _seq1; #define od_txw_trail _seq1 /* this is in ODATA pkts */ #define spm_seq _seq1 /* this is in SPM pkts */ #define nak_req_seq _seq1 /* this is in NAK pkts */ #define ack_req_seq _seq1 /* this is in ACK pkts */ pgm_seq _seq2; #define od_dp_seq _seq2 /* this is in ODATA pkts */ #define spm_txw_trail _seq2 /* this is in SPM pkts */ #define ack_rxw_lead _seq2 /* this is in ACK pkts */ } ; /* * Source Path Message (SPM) packets */ struct pgm_spm_body { u_int32_t spm_le_seq ; u_int16_t nla_afi ; u_int16_t rsvd ; struct in_addr path_nla ; u_char options[0]; } ; struct pgm_spm { struct pgmhdr pgmhdr ; struct pgm_spm_body body ; } ; /* * (N)ACK packets (from receivers/DLR) */ struct pgm_nack_body { /* u_int32_t req_seq ; u_int16_t nla_afi ; u_int16_t rsvd1 ; */ struct in_addr src_nla ; u_int16_t nla_afi2 ; u_int16_t rsvd2 ; struct in_addr mc_nla ; u_char options[0] ; } ; /* * ACK packets (from elected receivers) */ struct pgm_ack_body { /* u_int32_t req_seq ; u_int32_t rxw_lead ; */ u_int32_t ack_bitmask ; } ; /* * options (similar to IP options) */ #define OPT_HLEN sizeof(struct pgm_option) struct pgm_option { u_int8_t type; u_int8_t len; u_int16_t tot_len; }; struct pgm_opt_join { struct pgm_option hdr ; pgm_seq trail ; } ; struct pgm_opt_loss { struct pgm_option hdr ; u_int32_t rx_loss ; pgm_seq rx_lead ; struct in_addr nacker ; } ; struct pgm_opt_cc { struct pgm_option hdr ; struct in_addr acker ; }; /* * PGM options. The same names, in some cases, are also used * as parameter names in set/getsockopt. * Most options are unimplemented as of 991128 */ #define PGM_OPT_LENGTH 0x00 #define PGM_OPT_FRAGMENT 0x01 #define PGM_OPT_JOIN 0x03 #define PGM_OPT_TIME 0x04 #define PGM_OPT_RXQ 0x05 #define PGM_OPT_DROP 0x06 #define PGM_OPT_REDIRECT 0x07 #define PGM_OPT_END 0x80 /* end of options marker */ /* experimental options */ #define PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE 0x10 #define PGM_OPT_SEND_NAK 0x11 /* receivers, please send a NAK */ #define PGM_OPT_ELECT 0x12 /* node X is elected as acker */ #define PGM_OPT_ELECT_ACK 0x13 /* node X has answered */ #define PGM_OPT_DESC 0x20 #define PGM_OPT_SYN 0x21 #define PGM_OPT_FIN 0x22 /* * user set(get)table options (with setsockopt). Use high numbers so * we can use the PGM option IDs as parameters to set/getsockopt. * XXX this is kind of a hack... */ #define PGM_TXW_SIZE 0xC1 /* set window size (todo) */ #define PGM_TXW_MAX_RATE 0xC2 /* set max transmit rate */ #define PGM_TRAIL_ADVANCE 0xC3 #define PGM_ODATA_LIFETIME 0xC4 #define PGM_NAK_MC 0xC5 #define PGM_HOLE_SIZE 0xC6 #define PGM_TSI 0xC7 #define TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER 1 #define TRAIL_ADVANCE_DATA 2 #define TRAIL_ADVANCE_USER 3 struct sockaddr_pgm { u_char sin_len ; u_char sin_family ; u_int16_t sin_port ; struct in_addr sin_addr ; u_int32_t gsid_low ; u_int16_t gsid_high ; u_int16_t sport ; } ; #endif _NETINET_PGM_H_ pgm_var.h100644 423 423 31734 7044061202 10330 0ustar luigi/* * pgm_var.h * * Copyright (C) 1999 Luigi Rizzo * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef _NETINET_PGM_VAR_H_ #define _NETINET_PGM_VAR_H_ /* * CONG_CON enables some code to support congestion control. At the * moment this is receiver code to determine and report the loss rate. */ #define CONG_CON 1 /* * PGM kernel structures and variables. */ struct pgmiphdr { struct ipovly pi_i; /* overlaid ip structure */ struct pgmhdr pi_p; /* pgm header */ }; #define pi_next pi_i.ih_next #define pi_prev pi_i.ih_prev #define pi_x1 pi_i.ih_x1 #define pi_pr pi_i.ih_pr #define pi_len pi_i.ih_len #define pi_src pi_i.ih_src #define pi_dst pi_i.ih_dst #define pi_sport pi_p.ph_sport #define pi_dport pi_p.ph_dport #define pi_ulen pi_p.tsdu_len #define pi_sum pi_p.checksum /* * pgm connection state -- host side -- sender */ typedef enum pgm_state { PGM_NEW, PGM_SENDER, PGM_RECEIVER, PGM_RX_CONNECTED, PGM_CLOSED, } pgm_state ; /* * a queue of pgm packets -- used for both RDATA and reassembly queue, * and NAK timing. */ typedef enum reass_queue_type { T_ODATA, T_HOLE, T_NAK } reass_queue_type ; /* * The first element of the queue only contains the seg_next, seg_prev * pointers. If the head points to itself, the queue is empty. */ #define PGM_Q_EMPTY(ptr) \ ( ptr == (struct pgm_pkt_q *)&(ptr) ) #define PGM_Q_NONEMPTY(ptr) \ ( ptr != (struct pgm_pkt_q *)&(ptr) ) #define PGM_Q_HEAD(ptr, queue) \ ( (ptr) == (struct pgm_pkt_q *)&(queue->seg_next) ) /* * reassembly queue. This is a circular queue. The type field describes * the type of entry (T_HOLE, T_NAK, T_ODATA). * T_HOLE means a non-recoverable item. * T_NAK means there is a retransmit state associated. * T_DATA means there is a chain of mbufs */ struct pgm_pkt_q { struct pgm_pkt_q *seg_next, *seg_prev ; struct pgm_pkt_q *nak_next, *nak_prev; reass_queue_type type ; pgm_seq dp_seq ; /* host order */ union { struct { /* descriptor for data */ struct mbuf *m, *m_tail ; pgm_seq tail_seq ; /* host order */ } d ; struct { enum rxmt_timer_type { NAK_TIMEOUT, NCF_TIMEOUT, RDATA_TIMEOUT } ; enum rxmt_timer_type type ; /* timer type */ short timeout ; /* expire when 1->0 */ short ncf_to_ivl ; short rdata_to_ivl ; short ncf_retry ; short rdata_retry ; } t ; } u ; } ; /* * RDATA queue element. (also used for ODATA expire) * The queue is ordered by sequence number. */ struct pgm_data_q { struct pgm_data_q *next; /* next element */ struct mbuf *mb; /* pointer to mbuf to retransmit */ pgm_seq seq; /* seqno of the packet to retransmit */ int ticks; /* timer queue for ODATA/RDATA */ }; /* * PGM control block. Some variables need to be at the top of * the data structure. Apart from those, first we put the vars * which are significant for both sender and receivers, then the * other ones, grouped. */ struct pgmcb { /* Receiver: reassembly and NAK queue (must be first) */ struct pgm_pkt_q *seg_next, *seg_prev, *nak_next, *nak_prev ; /* RX */ /*--- Global variables ---*/ struct inpcb *p_inpcb; /* back pointer to internet pcb */ pgm_state state ; /* * local and remote addresses are held in the inpcb as * inp_{laddr,lport,faddr,fport}. Here we only need the GSI, * plus the sport on the receiver. */ u_int32_t gsid_low ; u_int16_t gsid_high ; u_int16_t sport; struct pgmiphdr *p_template; /* skeletal packet for transmit */ /*--- Sender's variables ---*/ struct pgm_data_q *rdata_head; /* TX */ /* * sender state variables. Max and current rate, trail, lead. */ int txw_max_rte ; /* TX */ int txw_curr_rte ; /* TX, CC */ pgm_seq txw_trail, txw_lead ; /* TX */ /* * next fields are used to implement the expire of odata * in timer-advance mode. */ struct pgm_data_q *odata_trail_head, *odata_trail_tail; /* TX */ int trail_advance_policy ; /* TX */ int odata_lifetime ; /* in ticks */ /* TX */ int odata_ticks_from_last_insert ; /* TX */ pgm_seq spm_sqn ; /* TX */ /* * ambient SPM gou out "at a rate sufficient to maintain * source state. * Heartbeat SPM go out when data is idle at a decaying rate * IHB_TMR from the most recent transmit, from IHB_MIN to IHB_MAX. * Any data tx reinitializes IHB_TMR to min */ int tx_spm_ticks; /* on 1->0 send spm */ /* TX */ /* * transmit buffers are in the socket buffer. odata_curr * points there and is the next odata pkt to send. */ struct mbuf *odata_curr; /* TX */ /* * next two values are scaled by 8*pgm_timer rate. * numbytes is the amount of data i can send next time, * txw_curr_rte is the increment at each tick (in practice * is the rate in bits/s because of the scaling.). * The scheme is similar to the one used in dummynet. * At each tick, provided there is data or numbytes < txw_curr_rte, * we increment numbytes. We transmit if we have sufficient * credit (could be numbytes>=0 or numbytes >= txw_curr_rte, it * only matters at the beginning of a burst). */ int numbytes ; /* TX */ /* * sender_l is current the value of L used by the sender. It starts * at L when the report comes in, then is multiplied by W every * time the lead advances. * XXX sender_rl is the receiver_lead at the acker. */ u_int32_t sender_l ; pgm_seq sender_rl ; /* * acker_loss = (tp->txw_lead - tp->acker_lead)^2 * sender_l * calculated by sender when ACK arrived, used at NAK * reception to elect the new acker. */ u_int64_t acker_loss ; /* acker_mrtt = acker mean rtt */ u_int32_t acker_mrtt ; pgm_seq ignore_cong ; /* ignore cong.events less than this */ int32_t cc_token ; /* TX */ u_int32_t cc_window ; /* TX */ u_int32_t cc_timeout ; /* timeout for no tokens */ /* TX */ int stall_retries ; /* how many retries for current acker after a stall.*/ struct in_addr acker_addr; /* current acker */ /* TX */ /*--- Receiver's variables ---*/ struct in_addr path_nla ; /* RX */ /* * XXX src_nla is used to fill the NAK (but then not much used there) * and to send the ACK direct to the source. Fill it from SPM. */ struct in_addr src_nla ; /* RX */ /* * receiver state variables. * See sec.3.4 for window definitions. */ pgm_seq rxw_size; /* XXX in bytes!!! */ pgm_seq rxw_irs; /* initial receive sequence number */ pgm_seq rxw_trail; /* oldest recoverable segment. Will never * be rxw_trail PGM_SEQ_LT rxw_next */ pgm_seq rxw_lead ; /* highest seqno so far */ #define PGM_DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD 10 pgm_seq rxw_lookahead ; /* offset beyond rxw_lead for * acceptable segments */ pgm_seq rxw_next ; /* next pkt to read */ pgm_seq rxw_hole_start; /* first segment in hole */ u_int32_t rx_loss; /* loss rate perceived by a receiver */ /*--- Miscellaneous things, still to sort out ---*/ /* Active options */ u_int32_t rx_options; /* options I have received */ /* * Option handling: the descriptor has a pointer to a memory * area containing all outgoing options, plus a bitmap * indicating all options used, and variables describing * them if necessary. The block and the bitmap are * updated every time some option is modified by user calls. */ char *opt_ptr; /* pointer to mem with options to send */ u_int32_t xmit_options; /* options I want to send */ int xmit_optlen; /* options length sent */ /* * NOTA BENE: order is important ! * All network-significant options must appear first. */ /* Network-significant options */ #define OPT_TIME 0x00000001 /* unimplemented */ #define OPT_RXQ 0x00000002 /* unimplemented */ #define OPT_DROP 0x00000004 /* unimplemented */ #define OPT_REDIRECT 0x00000008 /* unimplemented */ /* Receiver-significant options */ #define OPT_FRAGMENT 0x00000010 /* unimplemented */ /* * OPT_JOIN is set on the sender with a setsockopt; on receipt * it is immediately processed and changes the TRAIL if necessary. */ #define OPT_JOIN 0x00000020 /* fully implemented. */ /* Source-significant options */ /* * OPT_LOSSRATE is generated by the receiver/ne, processed by * the sender, to support congestion control. * The option value is from lossrate */ #define OPT_LOSSRATE 0x00000040 /* XXX next fields used for congestion control */ #define PGMCC_SCALE 8 #define PGMCC_C(x) ( (x) << PGMCC_SCALE ) #if 0 /* BC 2000124 */ #define PGMCC_VAL(x) ( (x) >> PGMCC_SCALE ) #endif #define PGMCC_VAL(x) ( (x + (1 <<(PGMCC_SCALE-1)) ) >> PGMCC_SCALE ) #define PGMCC_ADD(x, y) ( (x) + (y) ) #define PGMCC_MUL(x, y) ( ((x) * (y)) >> PGMCC_SCALE ) #define PGMCC_DIV(x, y) ( ((x) / ((y) >> PGMCC_SCALE)) ) pgm_seq ack_lead ; /* lead of ack_bitmask */ /* TX */ u_int32_t ack_bitmask ; /* S/R most recent ACKs for ODATA */ u_int32_t dupacks ; /* how many "dupacks" */ /* TX */ #define OPT_SENDER_CC 0x00000080 /* have sender-cc option */ /* * XXX sender_cc_opt is a pointer within the options block * for the sender-support options for congestion control */ struct pgm_opt_cc *sender_cc_opt ; /* TX */ /* * Various flags */ char enable_cc ; /* enable cong. control (rx/tx) */ char have_gsi ; /* have gsi */ char rx_in_hole ; /* last seg. appended was a hole */ char rx_need_reass; /* last sbappendaddr failed */ char rx_nak_mc; /* send optional mc nak */ char rx_do_ack ; /* send ack to data */ char rx_do_loss; /* enable receiver loss report */ char rx_do_nack ; /* send an initial nack to elect acker */ char tx_do_fin ; /* add a FIN when done with data */ } ; #define intopgmcb(ip) ((struct pgmcb *)(ip)->inp_ppcb) #define sotopgmcb(so) (intopgmcb(sotoinpcb(so))) #define pgmcbtoso(tp) (tp->p_inpcb->inp_socket) /* * PGM statistics. * Many of these should be kept per connection, * but that's inconvenient at the moment. */ struct pgmstat { u_long pgms_badsum ; u_long pgms_fullsock ; u_long pgms_hdrops ; /* dropped by header */ u_long pgms_ipackets ; /* input packets */ u_long pgms_opackets ; /* output packets */ u_long pgms_rcvduppack ; u_long pgms_rcvpack ; u_long pgms_rcvoopack ; }; /* * Names for PGM sysctl objects */ #define PGMCTL_STATS 1 /* statistics (read-only) */ #define PGMCTL_SENDSPACE 2 /* send buffer space */ #define PGMCTL_RECVSPACE 3 /* receive buffer space */ #define PGMCTL_MAXID 4 #define PGMCTL_NAMES { \ { 0, 0 }, \ { "stats", CTLTYPE_STRUCT }, \ { "sendspace", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ { "recvspace", CTLTYPE_INT }, \ } #ifdef KERNEL extern struct inpcbhead pgmcb; /* head of queue of active tcpcb's */ extern struct inpcbinfo pcbinfo; extern struct pgmstat pgmstat; /* pgm statistics */ struct pgmcb *pgm_close (struct pgmcb *); void pgm_ctlinput (int, struct sockaddr *, void *); #if __FreeBSD__ >= 3 int pgm_ctloutput (struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt); #else int pgm_ctloutput (int, struct socket *, int, int, struct mbuf **); #endif int pgm_make_options(struct pgmcb *tp); void pgm_drain __P((void)); void pgm_fasttimo (void); void pgm_init (void); void pgm_input (struct mbuf *, int); int pgm_output (struct pgmcb *, int, pgm_seq); void pgm_slowtimo (void); void pgm_clean_reass(struct pgmcb *tp); void pgm_timer(void *); int pgm_usrreq (struct socket *, int, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *, struct mbuf *); void pgm_data_move(struct pgmcb *); extern struct pr_usrreqs pgm_usrreqs; extern struct inpcbinfo pgmcbinfo ; extern u_long pgm_sendspace, pgm_recvspace ; extern int pgm_do_ack; #endif /* KERNEL */ #endif /* _NETINET_TCP_VAR_H_ */ pgm_timer.c100644 423 423 126126 7052264500 10700 0ustar luigi/* * pgm_timer.c - 000110 * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Luigi Rizzo * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEB(x) #define DDB(x) x #define SET_BACKOFF (1) + (random() % nak_bo_ivl) #if CONG_CON /* * the feedback value is the loss rate l, 0 <=l < 1, scaled by 2^16. * We use exponential smoothing by W (to be defined), so here we have * some useful constants */ #define ONE_S16 65536 /* 1 << 16 */ #define C_S16 (ONE_S16 - pgm_w_s16) /* (1-W)*(2^16) */ static u_int32_t exp(u_int32_t , u_int32_t); /* * Compute w ^ e */ static u_int32_t exp(u_int32_t w, u_int32_t e) { u_int32_t l, i; if (e == 0) return ONE_S16; for ( i = w, l = ONE_S16 ; e ; e >>= 1 ) { if (e & 1) l = (l * i) >> 16 ; i = (i * i) >> 16 ; } return l; } #endif static void pgm_rx_in(struct pgmcb *tp, struct pgmhdr *ph, struct mbuf *m); static void pgm_handle_naks(struct pgmcb *tp) ; static void pgm_dispatch(struct inpcb *last, struct mbuf *m, struct pgmhdr *ph); static void insert_rdata_q(struct pgmcb *tp, pgm_seq seq); static int option_handler(struct pgmcb *, struct pgmhdr *, struct mbuf *); int pgm_now; struct pgmstat pgmstat ; static struct sockaddr_pgm pgm_in = { sizeof(pgm_in), AF_INET } ; static int pgm_ticks = 0 ; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, ticks, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_ticks , 0, "Pgm shaper tick counter"); static int cc_timeout = 20; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, cc_timeout, CTLFLAG_RW, &cc_timeout , 0, "Base for timeout for lack of tokens"); /* counted from loss detection */ static int nak_bo_ivl = 3; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, nak_bo_ivl, CTLFLAG_RW, &nak_bo_ivl , 0, "Base for random backoff nak timeout"); /* counted from loss detection */ static int ncf_to_ivl = 5 ; /* base value for NCF timeout */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, ncf_to_ivl, CTLFLAG_RW, &ncf_to_ivl , 5, "NCF receive timeout"); static int rdata_to_ivl = 20 ; /* base value for RDATA timeout */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, rdata_to_ivl, CTLFLAG_RW, &rdata_to_ivl , 0, "RDATA receive timeout"); static int ncf_retries = 10 ; /* how many retries to get NCF */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, ncf_retries, CTLFLAG_RW, &ncf_retries , 0, "NCF retries"); static int rdata_retries = 10 ; /* how many retries to get RDATA */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, rdata_retries, CTLFLAG_RW, &rdata_retries , 0, "RDATA retries"); static int spm_ivl = 15; /* measured in ticks */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, spm_ivl, CTLFLAG_RW, &spm_ivl , 0, "Interval between ambient SPM"); #ifdef CONG_CON int pgm_w_s16 = 65000; /* 0.992 << 16 */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, w_s16, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_w_s16 , 0, "Weigth for lossrate computation"); int pgm_do_ack = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, pgm_do_ack, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_do_ack , 0, "Enable ACK generation"); int rtt_cong_filter = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, rtt_cong_filter, CTLFLAG_RW, &rtt_cong_filter, 0, "Ignore multiple cong.event per rtt"); static int dup_threshold = 3; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, dupack, CTLFLAG_RW, &dup_threshold, 0, "Threshold for dup acks"); static int ss_threshold = 6; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, ss_thresh, CTLFLAG_RW, &ss_threshold, 0, "Threshold for exponential window opening"); #endif void pgm_slowtimo() /* currently unused... */ { } /* * "Fast" protocol timeout routine called every 200 ms. * Updates the timers in all active pcb's and * causes finite state machine actions if timers expire. */ void pgm_fasttimo() { struct inpcb *inp, *ipnxt; struct pgmcb *tp; int s ; DEB(printf("PGM: pgm_fasttimo %d\n", pgm_now);) /* * Search through pcb's and update active timers. */ for ( inp = pgmcb.lh_first; inp != NULL; inp = ipnxt) { ipnxt = inp->inp_list.le_next; tp = intopgmcb(inp) ; s = splnet(); if (tp->state == PGM_SENDER && tp->have_gsi == 1) { /* ambient spm. */ if (tp->tx_spm_ticks-- <= 0) { tp->tx_spm_ticks = spm_ivl ; pgm_output(tp, PGM_SPM_TYPE, 0 /* unused here */); } /* * have pkts to send, and shaper would let me send, but * i am being limited by absence of tokens */ if (tp->odata_curr && tp->numbytes >= 0 && (tp->enable_cc && tp->cc_token < PGMCC_C(1) ) ) { if (tp->cc_timeout++ > cc_timeout) { DEB(microtime(&tp->tv); printf("== %lu.%06lu TL %u W %d STALL\n", tp->tv.tv_sec, tp->tv.tv_usec, tp->txw_lead, tp->cc_window) ; ) tp->cc_timeout = 0 ; tp->ignore_cong = tp->txw_lead ; tp->cc_token = PGMCC_C(1); tp->cc_window = PGMCC_C(1); tp->dupacks = 0 ; tp->ack_bitmask = ~0 ; /* i give one more try to the current one */ if (tp->acker_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { int end = tp->sender_cc_opt->hdr.type & PGM_OPT_END ; tp->sender_cc_opt->hdr.type = PGM_OPT_SEND_NAK | end ; } tp->acker_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ; /* * try find a new acker in case the old one is dead. */ pgm_data_move(tp); } } } else if (tp->state == PGM_RX_CONNECTED) { if (tp->rx_need_reass) pgm_clean_reass(tp); if ( PGM_Q_NONEMPTY(tp->nak_next) ) pgm_handle_naks(tp); if (tp->rx_do_nack && tp->path_nla.s_addr && tp->enable_cc) { tp->rx_do_nack = 0 ; /* XXX fake a very high sequence number */ pgm_output(tp, PGM_NAK_TYPE, tp->rxw_lead ^ 0x40000000) ; } } splx(s); } pgm_now++; /* for timestamps */ } /* * High frequency task to move packets out of the traffic shaper. * Calld by the timer once per tick. */ void pgm_timer(void *dummy) { struct inpcb *inp, *ipnxt ; struct pgmcb *tp ; int s ; s = splnet(); pgm_ticks++ ; /* * Search through pcb's for active senders. */ for (inp = pgmcb.lh_first; inp != NULL; inp = ipnxt) { struct socket *so = inp->inp_socket ; ipnxt = inp->inp_list.le_next; tp = intopgmcb(inp) ; if (tp->state != PGM_SENDER || tp->p_template == NULL) continue ; /* * Increment credit if we are below 0. This correctly simulates * the start time of a pkt. To simulate the finish time we would * need something more elaborate accounting for packet length. */ if ( tp->numbytes < 0 ) tp->numbytes += tp->txw_curr_rte; pgm_data_move(tp); /* flush expired packet */ if (tp->odata_trail_head != NULL) { struct pgm_data_q *q = tp->odata_trail_head ; int need_wakeup = 0 ; if (tp->odata_ticks_from_last_insert < tp->odata_lifetime) tp->odata_ticks_from_last_insert++ ; q->ticks-- ; while (q && q->ticks <= 0) { /* expire old packets */ sbdroprecord(&so->so_snd) ; tp->odata_trail_head = q->next ; DEB(printf("pgm_timer: free trail %p\n", q);) free(q, M_PCB); q = tp->odata_trail_head; need_wakeup = 1; tp->txw_trail++ ; /* XXX BC: should disable OPT_JOIN if we past beyond point */ } if (need_wakeup) sowwakeup(so); } } splx(s); timeout(pgm_timer, (caddr_t)NULL, 1); } /* * The following procedure decides whether to send NAKs or otherwise * handle timeouts for missing packets. Called by slowtimo. */ static void pgm_handle_naks(struct pgmcb *tp) { struct pgm_pkt_q *q ; int is_hole = 0; for (q = tp->nak_next ; !PGM_Q_HEAD(q, tp) ; q = q->nak_next ) { if ( --q->u.t.timeout > 0 ) continue; if ( q->u.t.type == NAK_TIMEOUT ) { /* Can send NAK only if have path_nla from an SPM */ if (tp->path_nla.s_addr) { DDB(printf("++ sent NAK %d (retry %d)\n", q->dp_seq, q->u.t.ncf_retry); ) pgm_output(tp, PGM_NAK_TYPE, q->dp_seq); q->u.t.type = NCF_TIMEOUT ; q->u.t.timeout = q->u.t.ncf_to_ivl ; } else { /* retry later... */ q->u.t.timeout = SET_BACKOFF; } } else { /* basically the same thing here... */ int toomuch ; if ( q->u.t.type == NCF_TIMEOUT ) { /* q->u.t.ncf_to_ivl *= 2 ; */ toomuch = ( ++q->u.t.ncf_retry >= ncf_retries ) ; } else { /* RDATA_TIMEOUT */ /* q->u.t.rdata_to_ivl *= 2 ; */ toomuch = ( ++q->u.t.rdata_retry >= rdata_retries ) ; } if ( toomuch ) { q->type = T_HOLE; /* irrecov. loss due to missing NCF */ is_hole = 1; } else { /* schedule nak ... */ q->u.t.type = NAK_TIMEOUT ; q->u.t.timeout = SET_BACKOFF; } } } if (is_hole) pgm_clean_reass(tp); } /* * Pass up packets from the reassembly queue when possible * (in-sequence data or irrecoverable packets "T_HOLE"). */ void pgm_clean_reass(struct pgmcb *tp) { struct pgm_pkt_q *q; struct socket *so = pgmcbtoso(tp); int need_wakeup = 0 ; tp->rx_need_reass = 0; /* * INVARIANT: at each stage, q->dp_seq == tp->rxw_next. If not * there is a bad mistake in the code, probably worth a panic. */ while ( PGM_Q_NONEMPTY(tp->seg_next) ) { q = tp->seg_next ; if (q->dp_seq != tp->rxw_next) { /* check invariant */ printf("--- clean_reass: have %u (rxw_next.%d)\n", q->dp_seq, q->dp_seq - tp->rxw_next); panic("clean_reass: q->dp_seq != tp->rxw_next"); } if ( PGM_SEQ_LT(tp->rxw_next, tp->rxw_trail) && q->type == T_NAK ) q->type = T_HOLE ; /* NAK expired for trail advance */ if ( q->type == T_NAK ) /* recoverable NAK */ break ; else if ( q->type == T_HOLE ) { /* Update nak queue */ q->nak_next->nak_prev = q->nak_prev ; q->nak_prev->nak_next = q->nak_next ; if (tp->rx_in_hole == 0) { /* add a hole entry */ need_wakeup = 1 ; tp->rx_in_hole = 1 ; tp->rxw_hole_start = tp->rxw_next ; sbappendaddr(&so->so_rcv, (struct sockaddr *)&pgm_in, NULL, NULL) ; } } else if (q->type == T_ODATA) { if (tp->rx_in_hole) break; else { if (sbappendaddr(&so->so_rcv, (struct sockaddr *)&pgm_in, q->u.d.m, NULL) == 0) { /* no space in sockbuf or insufficient mbufs */ DEB(printf("--- clean_reass: sbappendaddr failed\n");) tp->rx_need_reass = 1; goto done; } need_wakeup = 1; /* BC:XXX */ } } /* * record gone. advance next,trail, unlink from queue */ tp->rxw_next++; if (PGM_SEQ_LT(tp->rxw_trail, tp->rxw_next ) ) tp->rxw_trail = tp->rxw_next ; q->dp_seq = 0; /* to mark errors */ q->seg_next->seg_prev = q->seg_prev ; q->seg_prev->seg_next = q->seg_next ; free(q, M_PCB); } done: if (need_wakeup) sorwakeup(so); } /* * pgm_rx_in is the main handler for packets in receivers. * We handle DATA, NAK, NCF, SPM. All but the last one have the * interesting fields in the pgmhdr, which is always available. * The SPM body is copied so even if lost by option_handler this is * not problematic. * Only called by pgm_dispatch on receive sockets with * an already-assigned TSI. * The reassembly queue is below the socket buffer. */ static void pgm_rx_in(struct pgmcb *tp, struct pgmhdr *ph, struct mbuf *m) { struct pgm_pkt_q *me = NULL, *q, *r ; pgm_seq dp_seq = 0, dp_trail, dp_lead; pgm_seq seq; /* first pkt we can recover */ struct pgm_spm_body spm_body; int pgmhdrlen = sizeof(struct pgmhdr); /* strip off pgm header */ m->m_len -= pgmhdrlen; m->m_pkthdr.len -= pgmhdrlen; m->m_data += pgmhdrlen; /* copy spm_body */ if (ph->type == PGM_SPM_TYPE) spm_body = *mtod(m, struct pgm_spm_body*); tp->rx_options = 0; if (ph->options & PGM_OPT_PRESENT && option_handler(tp, ph, m) != 0 ) goto fail; if (tp->state == PGM_RECEIVER) { /* * First SPM makes receiver socket connected. */ #if 0 /* * do not connect if you dont have an SPM, or NAK will be * delayed too much. */ if (ph->type == PGM_OD_TYPE) dp_seq = ntohl(ph->od_dp_seq); else #endif if (ph->type == PGM_SPM_TYPE) dp_seq = ntohl(spm_body.spm_le_seq) + 1; /* XXX */ else goto fail ; tp->state = PGM_RX_CONNECTED ; tp->rxw_lookahead = PGM_DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD ; DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in: options 0x%08x\n", tp->rx_options);) if ((tp->rx_options & OPT_JOIN) == 0) { tp->rxw_irs = tp->rxw_trail = tp->rxw_lead = tp->rxw_next = dp_seq; DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in: INIT rxw_trail to %u\n", tp->rxw_trail);) } } /* * now we are in connected state. */ switch (ph->type) { case PGM_NAK_TYPE: case PGM_NCF_TYPE: /* * Handle this for nak suppression * XXX TODO -- i might use the info to detect missing pkts. */ dp_seq = ntohl(ph->nak_req_seq) ; if (PGM_SEQ_GEQ(dp_seq, tp->rxw_trail) && PGM_SEQ_LEQ(dp_seq, tp->rxw_lead)) { DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in: %s received for seq %lu\n", ph->type == PGM_NAK_TYPE ? "NAK": "NCF", ntohl(ph->nak_req_seq));) for (q = tp->nak_next ; !PGM_Q_HEAD(q,tp) ; q = q->nak_next) if ( q->dp_seq == dp_seq) { if (ph->type == PGM_NCF_TYPE) { q->u.t.type = RDATA_TIMEOUT ; q->u.t.timeout = q->u.t.rdata_to_ivl ; q->u.t.ncf_retry = 0 ; } else { /* must be a NAK */ if (q->u.t.type == NAK_TIMEOUT) { /* act as if the NAK had been sent */ q->u.t.type = NCF_TIMEOUT ; q->u.t.timeout = q->u.t.ncf_to_ivl ; } /* otherwise ignore it */ } break; } } goto done; case PGM_OD_TYPE: case PGM_RD_TYPE: dp_seq = dp_lead = ntohl(ph->od_dp_seq); dp_trail = ntohl(ph->od_txw_trail); /* * XXX TODO enforce receive window size limitations, dropping * the most recent packets. Not trivial, as rxw_size is * measured in bytes, not packets; packets are spread between * the socket buffer and the reassembly queue; and we don't know * how big are the holes. */ /* set lookahead to 1/2 of the current window or min 10 pkts */ if (PGM_SEQ_GT(tp->rxw_lead, tp->rxw_trail+2*PGM_DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD)) tp->rxw_lookahead = (tp->rxw_lead - tp->rxw_trail) / 2 ; else tp->rxw_lookahead = PGM_DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD ; /* * check for in-window packet. */ if (PGM_SEQ_LT(dp_seq, tp->rxw_trail) ) goto fail ; /* way too old */ if ( PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_seq, tp->rxw_lead + tp->rxw_lookahead) ) { /* new one... might be rogue, check trail is in-window */ if (PGM_SEQ_LT(dp_trail, tp->rxw_trail) || PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_trail, tp->rxw_lead + tp->rxw_lookahead) ) { DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in: data %u out-of-window (%u,%u + %d), drop\n", dp_seq, tp->rxw_trail, tp->rxw_lead, tp->rxw_lookahead); ); goto fail ; } } if (ph->type == PGM_OD_TYPE && tp->enable_cc) { /* * Update the bitmask of recent packets. We only consider odata. */ int delta = (int)(dp_lead - tp->rxw_lead); if (PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_lead, tp->rxw_lead)) { if (delta > 31) tp->ack_bitmask = 0 ; else tp->ack_bitmask <<= delta ; tp->ack_bitmask |= 1 ; } else { /* old, out of sequence ? */ delta = -delta ; if (delta < 31) tp->ack_bitmask |= (1 << delta) ; } } /* * update rxw_lead and rxw_trail */ if (PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_lead, tp->rxw_lead)) { /* Update lossrate: L = L * W ^ (new_lead - old_lead) */ tp->rx_loss *= exp(pgm_w_s16, dp_lead - tp->rxw_lead ); tp->rx_loss >>= 16; tp->rxw_lead = dp_lead; } if (PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_trail, tp->rxw_trail)) tp->rxw_trail = dp_trail; #if CONG_CON if (pgm_do_ack && tp->rx_do_ack && ph->type == PGM_OD_TYPE && tp->enable_cc) { pgm_output(tp, PGM_ACK_TYPE, dp_seq); DEB( if (tp->ack_bitmask != ~0) { char s[34]; int i ; u_int32_t x = tp->ack_bitmask ; for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) { s[i] = (x & 1 ) ? '.' : 'X' ; x >>= 1 ; } s[32] = '\0'; printf("++ ACK seq %d lead %d mask %s\n", dp_lead, tp->rxw_lead, s); } ) } #endif break; case PGM_SPM_TYPE: /* * XXX todo: check that the SPM is a recent one */ dp_trail = ntohl(ph->spm_txw_trail); dp_lead = ntohl(spm_body.spm_le_seq); DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in: SPM received from 0x%lx [%u,%u]\n", ntohl(spm_body.path_nla.s_addr), dp_trail, dp_lead);); tp->path_nla = spm_body.path_nla; tp->src_nla.s_addr = pgm_in.sin_addr.s_addr ; m_freem(m); m = NULL ; /* don't need pkt anymore, only lead..trail markers */ if (PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_trail, tp->rxw_trail)) { /* trail advanced, cleanup */ tp->rxw_trail = dp_trail; pgm_clean_reass(tp); } if (ph->options & PGM_OPT_FIN2 && PGM_SEQ_GT(tp->rxw_next, dp_lead)) { /* Got FIN and we can deliver it to application */ struct socket *so = pgmcbtoso(tp); socantrcvmore(so); tp->rxw_hole_start = tp->rxw_next + 1 ; } if (PGM_SEQ_LEQ(dp_lead, tp->rxw_lead)) return ; /* * If I get here: dp_lead > rxw_lead, and must insert entries * for NAK after rxw_lead. XXX check the code! * Also update rx_loss */ tp->rx_loss *= exp(pgm_w_s16, dp_lead - tp->rxw_lead ); tp->rx_loss >>= 16; dp_seq = tp->rxw_lead = dp_lead; break; default: printf("pgm_rx_in: discarding type %d\n", ph->type); goto fail ; } /* * XXX at the moment we only get here with ODATA/RDATA/SPM. Should we * decide to use NAK/NCF to detect holes, make sure m is NULL so we * can tell the two cases. * * Locate place to insert. dp_seq is the current packet, q points * initially to the last record. After the scan, seq is the seqno of * the first missing packet, and q points to the record after which * we must insert new entries (which are seq..dp_seq inclusive). */ q = tp->seg_prev; r = tp->nak_prev; if ( PGM_Q_HEAD(q, tp) ) { /* queue empty, first missing pkt is is rxw_trail */ seq = tp->rxw_trail; /* * check the special case of rxw_trail going beyond rxw_next * XXX this can be optimized a lot! */ if (seq > tp->rxw_next) seq = tp->rxw_next ; } else if ( PGM_SEQ_GT(dp_seq, q->dp_seq) ) { /* Pkt newer than last in queue, so start after that one. */ seq = q->dp_seq+1 ; } else if (m == NULL) { /* we are in the middle, but this is not data. */ return ; /*XXX maybe should not happen ? */ } else { /* * We are in the middle, need a full scan. Only follow the * NAK list, so skip over data pkts. */ for (r = tp->nak_next ; !PGM_Q_HEAD(r,tp) ; r = r->nak_next) { /* XXX should exit when PGM_SEQ_GT( r->dp_seq, dp_seq); */ if (r->dp_seq != dp_seq) continue; /* fill the hole */ r->type = T_ODATA; r->u.d.m = m; /* Update nak queue */ r->nak_next->nak_prev = r->nak_prev ; r->nak_prev->nak_next = r->nak_next ; r->nak_next = r->nak_prev = NULL; #if CONG_CON if (ph->type == PGM_OD_TYPE) { u_int32_t ris; /* Update lossrate: L = L - W ^ (lead - i) */ ris = (exp(pgm_w_s16, tp->rxw_lead - r->dp_seq) * C_S16) >> 16; if (ris > tp->rx_loss) { DEB(printf("--- Approximate: %u %u\n", ris, tp->rx_loss);) tp->rx_loss = 0; } else tp->rx_loss -= ris; } #endif goto present; /* XXX only if q == tp->seg_next */ } pgmstat.pgms_rcvduppack++; goto fail ; } /* * insert an entry for each missing packet */ if (ph->type == PGM_RD_TYPE) goto fail; /* should not get here!!! */ for (; PGM_SEQ_LEQ(seq, dp_seq) ; seq++ ) { me = malloc(sizeof(*me), M_PCB, M_NOWAIT); if (me == NULL) goto fail ; bzero(me, sizeof(*me) ); me->dp_seq = seq ; /* index of the missing/new packet */ if ( seq == dp_seq && m != NULL ) { me->type = T_ODATA ; me->u.d.m = m; } else { /* set retransmission state */ #if CONG_CON int ris; /* Update lossrate: L = L + W ^ (lead - i) */ ris = (exp(pgm_w_s16, tp->rxw_lead - me->dp_seq) * C_S16) >> 16; tp->rx_loss += ris; DEB(printf("pgm_rx_in:(hole) rx_loss %u [ %u %u]\n", tp->rx_loss, tp->rxw_lead, me->dp_seq);) #endif me->type = T_NAK ; me->u.t.type = NAK_TIMEOUT ; me->u.t.timeout = SET_BACKOFF; me->u.t.ncf_to_ivl = ncf_to_ivl ; me->u.t.rdata_to_ivl = rdata_to_ivl ; me->u.t.ncf_retry = me->u.t.rdata_retry = 0; /* Insert nak entry */ me->nak_next = r->nak_next; me->nak_prev = r; r->nak_next = me; me->nak_next->nak_prev = me; r = me; } /* * insert into queue */ me->seg_next = q->seg_next ; me->seg_prev = q ; q->seg_next = me ; me->seg_next->seg_prev = me ; q = me ; } present: /* * try to figure out if we can request some retransmission * to fill holes, and check if we can pass one or more packets * up to the socket buffer. */ pgm_clean_reass(tp); return ; done: fail: m_freem(m); return ; } /* * called by ip_input to demux the packet to the appropriate place(s). * Runs at splnet. */ void pgm_input(struct mbuf *m, int iphlen) { struct ip *ip; struct pgmhdr ph ; struct inpcb *inp, *last ; struct pgmcb *tp; int len; u_int16_t pkt_sport; DEB(printf("PGM: pgm_input\n");) pgmstat.pgms_ipackets++; /* * Strip IP options, if any. We will have router-alert on SPM, * NAK and NCF. */ if (iphlen > sizeof (struct ip)) { /* Strip IP options, if any. */ ip_stripoptions(m, (struct mbuf *)0); iphlen = sizeof(struct ip); } /* * Get IP and PGM header together in first mbuf (can still be * a cluster, so shared in copies). */ ip = mtod(m, struct ip *); if (m->m_len < iphlen + sizeof(struct pgmhdr)) { if ((m = m_pullup(m, iphlen + sizeof(struct pgmhdr))) == 0) { pgmstat.pgms_hdrops++; return; } ip = mtod(m, struct ip *); } ph = *(struct pgmhdr *)((caddr_t)ip + iphlen); /* copy pgm header */ /* * Make mbuf data length reflect PGM length. * If not enough data to reflect PGM length, drop. */ len = ip->ip_len; /* total PGM packet length (needed for checksum) */ /* * Construct sockaddr format source address, to be used in sbappendaddr. */ pgm_in.sin_port = ph.ph_sport ; pgm_in.sin_addr = ip->ip_src ; pgm_in.gsid_low = ph.gsid_low ; pgm_in.gsid_high = ph.gsid_high ; pgm_in.sport = ph.ph_sport ; if (ph.type == PGM_NAK_TYPE || ph.type == PGM_ACK_TYPE) pkt_sport = ph.ph_dport; else pkt_sport = ph.ph_sport; /* strip off IP header, not needed anymore here. */ m->m_len -= iphlen; m->m_pkthdr.len -= iphlen; m->m_data += iphlen; /* * Checksum PGM header and data. Note, the IP header is not included. */ if (ph.checksum) { u_int16_t old_sum = ph.checksum ; ph.checksum = in_cksum(m, len ); if (ph.checksum) { pgmstat.pgms_badsum++; printf("-- pgm_input: cksum failed, type %u, len %d, 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", ph.type, len, old_sum, ph.checksum); m_freem(m); return ; } } /* * Pullup header+options (except payload). * Because the tsdu_len is in the common part of the header, * we can compute the difference and know how much to pullup. */ len -= ntohs(ph.tsdu_len) ; /* pgm header length, incl. options */ if (m->m_len < len) { if ((m = m_pullup(m, len)) == 0) { pgmstat.pgms_hdrops++; return; } } /* * Deliver PGM packets to all matching pcbs. Most are multicast, * unicast PGM packets can only be NAK directed to a source. * In principle we could go straight to the (only) pcb, but we cannot * use in_pcblookup_hash() for this as it checks faddr to filter * basing on the source IP, so we scan the whole list ourselves. * * To avoid mcopy'ing in case of a single destination, record the * matching position in "last", and handle it only when another match * is found. The final pass is done without copying. */ inp = pgmcb.lh_first ; last = NULL; /* * Now we look for matching inpcbs. * NOTA BENE: if on the same host we have a sender and receivers, * and a unicast NAK arrives, we will (correctly!) find a match only for * sender's inpcb. In fact ip->ip_dst.s_addr for NAK is a unicast address * and inp->inp_laddr.s_addr for receiver is a MC address. */ for (; inp != NULL ; inp = inp->inp_list.le_next) { DEB( printf( "pgm_input: packet SRC 0x%08lx/0x%04x -> DST 0x%08lx/0x%04x type %d\n" " socket FGN 0x%08lx/0x%04x -> LOC 0x%08lx/0x%04x\n", ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr), ntohs(ph.ph_sport), ntohl(ip->ip_dst.s_addr), ntohs(ph.ph_dport), ph.type, ntohl(inp->inp_laddr.s_addr), ntohs(inp->inp_lport), ntohl(inp->inp_faddr.s_addr), ntohs(inp->inp_fport) ); ) /* * various checks for a matching socket. We need to match: * + local port (always) * + foreign port (except for raw receiver where it is 0); * + local addr (for receiver it is multicast, for sender * it is the unicast IP of output interface) * + and finally, the full TSI * We _cannot_ match the foreign address, on the receiver because * packets might come from multiple sources, on the sender because * NAKs might come from multiple receivers/NEs. */ if (inp->inp_lport != ph.ph_dport) continue; /* local port not matching */ if (inp->inp_fport != 0 && inp->inp_fport != ph.ph_sport) continue; /* foreign port not matching */ /* * On the receiver, laddr is the MC group address. * On the sender, laddr is the unicast IP of the out interface. * XXX why do we check for INADDR_ANY ??? */ if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY && inp->inp_laddr.s_addr != ip->ip_dst.s_addr) continue; /* local addr. not matching */ tp = intopgmcb(inp); if (tp->state == PGM_NEW || tp->state == PGM_CLOSED) continue; DEB(printf("pgm_input: tp->TSI 0x%08lx.%04x.0x%04x\n", ntohl(tp->gsid_low), ntohs(ph.gsid_high), ntohs(tp->sport) );) /* * check full TSI */ if ( tp->have_gsi && ( tp->gsid_low != ph.gsid_low || tp->gsid_high != ph.gsid_high || tp->sport != pkt_sport ) ) { printf("--- pgm_input: TSI match failed 0x%08lx.%04x.%04x\n", ntohl(ph.gsid_low), ntohs(ph.gsid_high), ntohs(pkt_sport) ); continue ; /* TSI does not match */ } DEB(printf("pgm_input: found descriptor 0x%p state %d for type %d\n", inp, tp->state, ph.type);); if (last != NULL) { struct mbuf *my_m = m_copypacket(m, M_DONTWAIT) ; if (my_m != NULL) pgm_dispatch(last, my_m, &ph); } last = inp; } if (last) pgm_dispatch(last, m, &ph); else { /* No matching pcb found; discard datagram. */ m_freem(m); DEB(printf("--- pgm_input: no matching socket\n");) } } /* * Pass the packet to the pcb, possibly copying if not the last one. * Header+options are in the first mbuf so we dont need pullup etc. */ static void pgm_dispatch(struct inpcb *last, struct mbuf *m, struct pgmhdr *ph) { struct pgmcb *tp = intopgmcb(last); switch (tp->state) { case PGM_RX_CONNECTED: case PGM_RECEIVER: if (tp->have_gsi) { /* run the receiver state machine */ pgm_rx_in(tp, ph, m); sorwakeup(last->inp_socket); } else { /* can only be PGM_RECEIVER, a raw receiver */ if (sbappendaddr(&last->inp_socket->so_rcv, (struct sockaddr *)&pgm_in, m, NULL) == 0) { pgmstat.pgms_fullsock++; m_freem(m); return ; } sorwakeup(last->inp_socket); /* XXX */ } return ; case PGM_SENDER: if (tp->p_template == NULL) /* connect not done yet... */ break ; /* strip off pgm header */ m->m_len -= sizeof(struct pgmhdr); m->m_pkthdr.len -= sizeof(struct pgmhdr); m->m_data += sizeof(struct pgmhdr); switch (ph->type) { case PGM_ACK_TYPE : { int total, delta, missing ; pgm_seq seqno, lead; u_int32_t bitmask, new_acks, l; struct pgm_ack_body *pb ; if (!tp->enable_cc) break; tp->cc_timeout = 0 ; /* any ack resets the cc_timeout */ pb = mtod(m, struct pgm_ack_body *); seqno = ntohl(ph->ack_req_seq); lead = ntohl(ph->ack_rxw_lead); bitmask = ntohl(pb->ack_bitmask); /* Update mrtt (XXX tricks in the scaling...) */ tp->acker_mrtt = (tp->acker_mrtt * (pgm_w_s16 >> 8) + (tp->txw_lead - lead) * C_S16) >> 8; /* * using bitmasks, determine new acks carried by this pkt. * tp->ack_bitmask is the old state, bitmask is the one in the ack. * This section is necessary because we dont have cumulative acks */ delta = (int)(lead - tp->ack_lead) ; if (delta > 32) /* very new, reset old state */ tp->ack_bitmask = 0 ; else if (delta > 0) tp->ack_bitmask <<= delta ; else if (delta < -32) bitmask = 0 ; else bitmask <<= -delta ; /* compute the new acks */ new_acks = bitmask & ~tp->ack_bitmask ; /* and update state */ tp->ack_bitmask |= bitmask ; if (PGM_SEQ_GT(lead, tp->ack_lead) ) tp->ack_lead = lead ; /* compute total acks in this packet. */ for (total = 0, l = new_acks ; l ; l >>= 1 ) if (l & 1) total ++ ; if (delta > 32) printf("-- warning, old ack. should get %d more\n", delta - 32); /* count missing packets */ for (missing = 0 , l = ~tp->ack_bitmask ; l ; l >>= 1) if (l & 1) missing++ ; DEB(if (~bitmask != 0) printf("++ rxACK lead %d txw_lead %d W %d T %d \n", tp->ack_lead, tp->txw_lead, tp->cc_window, tp->cc_token); ) if (total == 0) /* fully duplicate acks */ goto done; /* * Do not count dups for ACKs within an rtt from prev. * congestion. */ if (rtt_cong_filter && PGM_SEQ_LEQ(lead, tp->ignore_cong)) { if (tp->dupacks) { printf("-- recover %d dup, missing %d, mask 0x%08x\n", tp->dupacks, missing, tp->ack_bitmask); total += tp->dupacks ; tp->dupacks = 0 ; /* do not count dup acks */ } missing = 0 ; tp->ack_bitmask = ~0 ; } if ( missing == 0 ) { u_int32_t delta_w ; total += tp->dupacks ; /* recover previous acks */ tp->dupacks = 0 ; if (tp->cc_token < 0) delta_w = 0 ; /* only ignore tokens */ else if (tp->cc_window < PGMCC_C(ss_threshold)) delta_w = PGMCC_C(1) ; /* exp. increase for small windows */ else delta_w = PGMCC_DIV( PGMCC_C(1) , tp->cc_window ); tp->cc_token += total*( PGMCC_C(1) + delta_w) ; tp->cc_window += total* delta_w; } else { tp->dupacks += total ; printf("++ miss %d tot %d dup %d, W %d (real %d) mask 0x%08x\n", missing, total, tp->dupacks, tp->cc_window, (tp->txw_lead - lead) << 8, tp->ack_bitmask); if (tp->dupacks >= dup_threshold) { /* * re-sync window estimate with reality. * Since we know the real window, we also know how * many tokens will arrive (if no loss), and how * many we should ignore. */ tp->cc_window = (tp->txw_lead - lead + 1 ) << 8 ; tp->ignore_cong = tp->txw_lead ; /* pgm_data_move( tp ); */ /* force something out */ if (tp->cc_token < 0) { printf(".. token < 0, don;t reduce\n"); tp->cc_token += PGMCC_C(1) ; } else if (tp->cc_window >= PGMCC_C(4) ) { tp->cc_window /= 2 ; tp->cc_token = -tp->cc_window + PGMCC_C(1); } else { /* small window. Return one token ? */ printf("small window...\n"); tp->cc_token = PGMCC_C(1) ; } tp->ack_bitmask = ~0 ; /* not count anymore these losses */ tp->dupacks = 0 ; } } done: } break ; case PGM_NAK_TYPE: { pgm_seq i = ntohl(ph->nak_req_seq); /* BC XXX: send an NCF only for in-window requests * Multicast an NCF in response to ANY NAK, then schedule RDATA * for in-window requests. */ DEB(printf("pgm_dispatch: NAK received for seq %u\n", i ); ) if (PGM_SEQ_GEQ(i,tp->txw_trail) && PGM_SEQ_LEQ(i,tp->txw_lead) ) { pgm_output(tp, PGM_NCF_TYPE, i); insert_rdata_q( tp, i ); } else { i ^= 0x40000000 ; /* re-check for fake NAK */ if (PGM_SEQ_LT(i,tp->txw_trail)||PGM_SEQ_GT(i,tp->txw_lead) ) { printf("??? NAK outside window %d <= (%d) <= %d\n", tp->txw_trail, i ^0x40000000, tp->txw_lead); } } } break ; default: /* * XXX NNAK handling still missing... */ } if (ph->options & PGM_OPT_PRESENT && option_handler(tp, ph, m) != 0 ) { m_freem(m); return; } break; default: printf("--- pgm_input: state not recognized: should not be here !!!\n"); break; } m_freem(m); return; } /* * Send ODATA/RDATA packets. Called either directly, or by the traffic shaper. * MUST BE CALLED AT splnet() OR ABOVE. * Returns the number of bytes sent ; * This sends as many bytes as available or allowed * by the traffic shaper (the credit, scaled by 8*hz, is tp->numbytes). * The bandwidth budget should include ODATA, RDATA and SPM. * NOTE: pointers are advanced in pgm_output() !!! */ void pgm_data_move(struct pgmcb *tp) { struct pgm_data_q *q; struct socket *so = pgmcbtoso(tp); int sent = 0 ; DEB(printf("PGM: pgm_data_move\n"); ) /* free expired rdata */ while ( (q = tp->rdata_head) != NULL && q->seq < tp->txw_trail ) { tp->rdata_head = q->next; free(q, M_PCB); } /* transmit some rdata */ while ( (q = tp->rdata_head) != NULL && tp->numbytes >= 0 ) { if (tp->txw_max_rte > 0) tp->numbytes -= 8 * hz * q->mb->m_pkthdr.len; pgm_output(tp, PGM_RD_TYPE, 0 /* unused here */); } /* transmit some data */ while ( tp->odata_curr != NULL && tp->numbytes >= 0 && (tp->cc_token >= PGMCC_C(1) || !tp->enable_cc) ) { if (tp->txw_max_rte > 0) tp->numbytes -= 8 * hz * tp->odata_curr->m_pkthdr.len ; sent++ ; pgm_output(tp, PGM_OD_TYPE, 0 /* unused here */); tp->cc_token -= PGMCC_C(1); /* consume one token */ /* * Implement the window advance policy for this pkt (seqno is * txw_lead, we don't have an mbuf pointer for this anymore * as odata_curr has been moved forward by pgm_output(). */ if (tp->trail_advance_policy == TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER) { q = malloc( sizeof (*q), M_PCB, M_NOWAIT); if (q == NULL) { printf("--- pgm_data_move: OUCH, cannot" "allocate record to expire ODATA...\n"); } else { q->next = NULL ; if (tp->odata_trail_head == NULL) { tp->odata_trail_head = q ; q->ticks = tp->odata_lifetime ; } else { tp->odata_trail_tail->next = q ; q->ticks = tp->odata_ticks_from_last_insert ; } tp->odata_ticks_from_last_insert = 0 ; tp->odata_trail_tail = q ; } } } /* * if we are in TRAIL_ADVANCE_DATA, cannot send more, and writer * is blocked, free some space (typically enough to move above * low water mark) */ if (tp->trail_advance_policy == TRAIL_ADVANCE_DATA) { int freed = 0 ; if (tp->odata_curr == NULL && sb_notify(&so->so_snd) ) { while ( sbspace(&so->so_snd) < so->so_snd.sb_lowat ) { sbdroprecord(&so->so_snd) ; tp->txw_trail++ ; freed++ ; } sowwakeup(so) ; if (tp->rdata_head != NULL) printf("++ warning, flush with pending rdata\n"); } DEB(printf("data_move, sent %d tok %d numb %d flush %d, odata %x blocked %d\n", sent, tp->cc_token, tp->numbytes, freed, tp->odata_curr, sb_notify(&so->so_snd));) } } /* * Insert pgm_data_q element ordered by seqno. Retrieve mbuf ptr * by moving (seq - txw_trail) steps in the mbuf chain. * We check before that the requested segment is in-window. */ static void insert_rdata_q(struct pgmcb *tp, pgm_seq seq) { struct pgm_data_q *p, *q, *r; struct mbuf *m; int diff = seq - tp->txw_trail ; /* how many steps must go in the queue. */ struct socket *so = pgmcbtoso(tp); /* first, locate position in queue after which to insert. */ for (p = NULL, r = tp->rdata_head ; r != NULL ; p = r, r = r->next) if (r->seq == seq) return ; /* nothing to do, entry already existing */ else if (r->seq > seq) break; /* * Allocate a descriptor. If fails, just ignore request (should * record the failure in some statistics). */ q = (struct pgm_data_q *) malloc(sizeof(*q), M_PCB, M_NOWAIT); if (q == NULL) return ; /* locate mbuf pointer */ for (m = so->so_snd.sb_mb; m && diff > 0 ; m = m->m_nextpkt, diff-- ) ; if (m == NULL) { printf("--- insert_rdata_q: want %u trail-lead %u, %u\n", seq, tp->txw_trail, tp->txw_lead); panic("--- insert_rdata_q: mbuf not found\n"); } q->next = r; q->seq = seq; q->mb = m; if (p == NULL) tp->rdata_head = q; else p->next = q; } /* * Process pgm options. Move mbuf pointers past the options, * to the payload. * First option must be PGM_OPT_LENGTH, last PGM_OPT_END. */ static int option_handler(struct pgmcb *tp, struct pgmhdr *ph, struct mbuf *m) { struct pgm_option *opt; caddr_t base, limit ; int len; switch (ph->type) { case PGM_SPM_TYPE: len = sizeof(struct pgm_spm_body); break; case PGM_NCF_TYPE: case PGM_NAK_TYPE: len = sizeof(struct pgm_nack_body); break; case PGM_ACK_TYPE: /* XXX BC */ len = sizeof(struct pgm_ack_body); break; case PGM_OD_TYPE: case PGM_RD_TYPE: default: len = 0; break; } /* strip off rest of the header */ m->m_len -= len; m->m_pkthdr.len -= len; m->m_data += len; opt = mtod(m, struct pgm_option *); if (opt->type != PGM_OPT_LENGTH) { printf("--- option_handler: check PGM_OPT_LENGTH failed type 0x%x\n", opt->type); return -2; } len = ntohs(opt->tot_len); base = m->m_data + OPT_HLEN ; limit = m->m_data + len ; /* strip off options from mbuf, we have the pointers to them. */ m->m_len -= len; m->m_pkthdr.len -= len; m->m_data += len; /* Remember that rx_option is set to 0 in pgm_rx_in function */ while (base < limit) { opt = (struct pgm_option *)base ; switch (opt->type & ~PGM_OPT_END) { case PGM_OPT_JOIN: if (tp->state != PGM_RECEIVER) break; tp->rx_options |= OPT_JOIN; tp->rxw_irs = tp->rxw_trail = tp->rxw_lead = tp->rxw_next = ntohl(((struct pgm_opt_join *)base)->trail) ; DEB(printf("option_handler: JOIN %u\n", tp->rxw_trail);) break; #if CONG_CON case PGM_OPT_ELECT: DEB(printf("option_handler: PGM_OPT_ELECT\n");) if (tp->state != PGM_RX_CONNECTED || !tp->enable_cc) break; tp->rx_options |= OPT_SENDER_CC; /* am I the acker ? */ tp->rx_do_ack = (tp->p_template->pi_src.s_addr == ((struct pgm_opt_cc *)base)->acker.s_addr) ; DEB(printf("!! %s\n", tp->rx_do_ack ? "I am the new acker" : "I am not the acker anymore");) break ; case PGM_OPT_SEND_NAK: DEB(printf("option_handler: OPT_SEND_NAK\n");) /* The acker field is not significant for this option */ if (tp->state != PGM_RX_CONNECTED || !tp->enable_cc) break; tp->rx_options |= OPT_SENDER_CC; tp->rx_do_nack = 1 ; break ; case PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE: if (tp->state != PGM_SENDER || !tp->enable_cc) break; DEB(printf("option_handler: PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE\n");) tp->rx_options |= OPT_LOSSRATE; { u_int32_t rx_loss = ntohl(((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->rx_loss) ; pgm_seq rx_lead = ntohl(((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->rx_lead) ; pgm_seq rttn = (tp->txw_lead - rx_lead ) << 8 ; u_int64_t nacker_loss = ( (rttn * rttn) >> 8) * rx_loss ; if (tp->acker_addr.s_addr != ((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->nacker.s_addr) printf("acker l/rtt/AL %u %d (%u) %lu NAK %u %d %lu\n", tp->sender_l, (tp->txw_lead - tp->sender_rl) << 8, tp->acker_mrtt, (u_int32_t)(tp->acker_loss>>22), rx_loss, rttn, (u_int32_t)(nacker_loss>>22)); /* XXX shift by 22 to ease reading */ if (tp->acker_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { u_int32_t end = tp->sender_cc_opt->hdr.type & PGM_OPT_END ; tp->sender_cc_opt->hdr.type = PGM_OPT_ELECT | end ; tp->sender_cc_opt->acker = tp->acker_addr = ((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->nacker; tp->acker_mrtt = rttn ; tp->cc_token += PGMCC_C(1); /* consider this as an ACK */ tp->ack_lead = tp->txw_lead ; tp->ack_bitmask = ~0 ; /* hopefully a data_move is done at the next tick */ DDB(printf("!!! elected first acker 0x%08lx\n", ntohl(tp->acker_addr.s_addr));) } else if ( nacker_loss > tp->acker_loss && ((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->nacker.s_addr != tp->acker_addr.s_addr) { /* * switch to new acker if this one is slower * RTTN^2 * rx_loss > MRTTA^2 * sender_l + TOLERANCE */ tp->sender_cc_opt->acker = tp->acker_addr = ((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->nacker ; tp->acker_mrtt = rttn ; DDB(printf("!!! elected new acker 0x%08lx\n", ntohl(tp->acker_addr.s_addr));) } /* * If the option is from the (current/new) acker, update * sender_l, sender_rl and acker_loss. acker_mrtt is * from the lowpass filter in case of the current acker. */ if (tp->acker_addr.s_addr == ((struct pgm_opt_loss *)base)->nacker.s_addr) { tp->sender_l = rx_loss ; tp->sender_rl = rx_lead ; /* Now I can update acker_loss. * XXX TODO: Note, there is a +/-1 * error in the estimate of the mrtt. So if we want a bit * of hysteresys in the switch, we should increase * acker_mrtt by 1, and decrease nacker_mrtt by 1 */ tp->acker_loss = ( (tp->acker_mrtt * tp->acker_mrtt) >> 8) * tp->sender_l; } } break; #endif default: printf("--- option_handler: OUCH!: option type not recognized\n"); break; } base += opt->len ; if (opt->type & PGM_OPT_END) break; } /* end of option while */ if (base != limit || (opt->type & PGM_OPT_END) != PGM_OPT_END) { printf("--- option_handler: check PGM_OPT_END failed opt_type 0x%x\n", opt->type); return -2; } return 0; } /*** end of pgm_timer.c ***/ pgm_usrreq.c100644 423 423 77775 7052234663 11107 0ustar luigi/* * pgm_usrreq.c - 000110 * * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Luigi Rizzo * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEB(x) #define DDB(x) x /* * PGM protocol interface to socket abstraction. */ #ifndef PGMCBHASHSIZE #define PGMCBHASHSIZE 128 #endif struct inpcbhead pgmcb; struct inpcbinfo pgmcbinfo ; static struct pgmcb *pgm_newpgmcb(struct inpcb *inp); static struct pgmiphdr *pgm_template(struct pgmcb *tp, struct sockaddr *nam); /* * pgm_sendspace and pgm_recvspace are the default send and receive window * sizes, respectively. */ static int pgm_odata_lifetime = 20 ; /* measured in seconds */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, odata_lifetime, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_odata_lifetime , 0, "PGM ODATA lifetime, seconds"); /* * bandwidth = 0 means unlimited */ static int pgm_bandwidth = 0; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, bandwidth, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_bandwidth , 0, "PGM send rate, bits/s"); u_long pgm_sendspace = 1024*128 ; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, PGMCTL_SENDSPACE, sendspace, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_sendspace , 0, "PGM sender buffer space"); u_long pgm_recvspace = 1024*128 ; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, PGMCTL_RECVSPACE, recvspace, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_recvspace , 0, "PGM receive buffer space"); static int pgmcksum = 1 ; /* do checksum */ SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, pgmcksum, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgmcksum , 1, "Enable PGM checksums"); static int pgm_gsid_low = 0x12345678 ; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, gsid_low, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_gsid_low , 0x12345678, "PGM GSI-low (32 bit)"); static int pgm_gsid_high = 0x9abc ; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, gsid_high, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_gsid_high , 0x9abc, "PGM GSI-high (16 bit)"); int pgm_enable_cc = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, pgm_enable_cc, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_enable_cc , 0, "Enable congestion control"); int pgm_enable_lossrate = 1; SYSCTL_INT(_net_inet_pgm, OID_AUTO, pgm_enable_lossrate, CTLFLAG_RW, &pgm_enable_lossrate , 0, "Enable lossrate report"); extern int pgm_w_s16; /* XXX to move somewhere else */ /* * there is a router_alert thing in igmp.c which could be reused... * We don't just to avoid removing the static declaration in igmp.c * but it is something needs to be fixed later. XXX */ static struct mbuf *pgm_router_alert; /* * Create a new PGM control block, making an * empty reassembly queue and hooking it to the argument * protocol control block. */ static struct pgmcb * pgm_newpgmcb(struct inpcb *inp) { struct pgmcb *tp; tp = malloc(sizeof(*tp), M_PCB, M_NOWAIT); if (tp == NULL) return ((struct pgmcb *)0); bzero((char *) tp, sizeof(struct pgmcb)); tp->p_inpcb = inp; /* init reass queue pointers */ tp->seg_next = tp->seg_prev = (struct pgm_pkt_q *)tp; /* init nak queue pointers */ tp->nak_next = tp->nak_prev = (struct pgm_pkt_q *)tp; /* * set fields as required. */ tp->state = PGM_NEW ; tp->txw_max_rte = tp->txw_curr_rte = pgm_bandwidth ; /* bits/s */ /* * note here trail > lead, meaning the window is empty */ tp->spm_sqn = 0 /* random() */ ; tp->txw_lead = 0 /* random() */; /* most recently tx pkt */ tp->txw_trail = tp->txw_lead + 1 ; /* oldest avail. pkt */ tp->rxw_size = pgm_recvspace ; tp->trail_advance_policy = TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER ; tp->odata_lifetime = pgm_odata_lifetime * hz ; /* now in ticks */ #if CONG_CON /* I set fields to 0 just to remind them, even if it is the default */ tp->ack_bitmask = ~0 ; tp->ignore_cong = tp->txw_lead ; /* only signific. for sender */ tp->dupacks = 0 ; /* only signific. for sender */ tp->enable_cc = pgm_enable_cc; /* only signific. for sender */ tp->rx_do_ack = 0 ; /* only signific. for receiver */ tp->rx_do_loss = pgm_enable_lossrate; /* only signific. for receiver */ #endif inp->inp_ppcb = (caddr_t)tp; return (tp); } /* * Output the pkt requested in cmd (additional info is in the pgmcb). * Also do any necessary state update (e.g. sequence numbers, * pointers, remove RDATA records...) * Third parameter is a sequence number used for NAKs, ACKs and other * segment types. */ int pgm_output(struct pgmcb *tp, int cmd, pgm_seq seqno) { struct inpcb *inp = tp->p_inpcb; struct mbuf *m, *my_m; struct pgmiphdr *pi; u_int16_t len = 0; int error, num_prep = 0; struct mbuf *opt = NULL; if (tp->p_template == NULL) { printf("--- pgm_output: OUCH ! template not allocated !"); return EINVAL; } /* * First, allocate data (or extended header) portion. */ switch(cmd) { default: printf("--- pgm_output: unsupported type\n"); return EINVAL; case PGM_ACK_TYPE: { struct pgm_ack_body *ack; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* leave room for link and protocol headers if possible */ if (max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) + sizeof(*ack) <= MHLEN) m->m_data += max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr); m->m_len = m->m_pkthdr.len = sizeof(*ack); ack = mtod(m, struct pgm_ack_body *); ack->ack_bitmask = htonl(tp->ack_bitmask); } break ; case PGM_NAK_TYPE: { struct pgm_nack_body *nak; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* leave room for link and protocol headers if possible */ if (max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) + sizeof(*nak) <= MHLEN) m->m_data += max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr); m->m_len = m->m_pkthdr.len = sizeof(*nak); nak = mtod(m, struct pgm_nack_body *); nak->src_nla.s_addr = tp->src_nla.s_addr; nak->nla_afi2 = htons( 1 ); /* this is for IPv4 */ nak->rsvd2 = 0 ; nak->mc_nla = inp->inp_laddr; } break ; case PGM_NCF_TYPE: { struct pgm_nack_body *ncf; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* leave room for link and protocol headers if possible */ if (max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) + sizeof(*ncf) <= MHLEN) m->m_data += max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) ; m->m_len = m->m_pkthdr.len = sizeof(*ncf); ncf = mtod(m, struct pgm_nack_body *); ncf->src_nla = inp->inp_laddr; ncf->nla_afi2 = htons( 1 ); /* IPv4 AFI */ ncf->rsvd2 = 0; ncf->mc_nla = inp->inp_faddr; } opt = pgm_router_alert ; break; case PGM_SPM_TYPE: { struct pgm_spm_body *spm ; MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; /* leave room for link and protocol headers if possible */ /* XXX maybe add room for options as well ? */ if (max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) + sizeof(*spm) <= MHLEN) m->m_data += max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) ; m->m_len = m->m_pkthdr.len = sizeof(*spm); spm = mtod(m, struct pgm_spm_body *) ; spm->spm_le_seq = htonl( tp->txw_lead ) ; spm->nla_afi = htons( 1 ) ; /* IPv4 AFI */ spm->rsvd = 0 ; spm->path_nla = inp->inp_laddr; DEB( printf("pgm_output: send SPM for nla 0x%lx\n", ntohl(spm->path_nla.s_addr) ); ) tp->spm_sqn++ ; } opt = pgm_router_alert ; break ; case PGM_OD_TYPE: /* copy packet from socket buffer */ /* * XXX TODO in case of timeout, try get the last data * instead of the new one. */ m = m_copypacket( tp->odata_curr, M_DONTWAIT ); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; len = m->m_pkthdr.len; break ; case PGM_RD_TYPE: /* copy packet from socket buffer */ m = m_copypacket( tp->rdata_head->mb, M_DONTWAIT ); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; opt = pgm_router_alert ; len = m->m_pkthdr.len; break; } /* * Fill in mbuf with extended pgm header and stuff... */ if (tp->xmit_options && (cmd == PGM_OD_TYPE || cmd == PGM_RD_TYPE)) num_prep = tp->xmit_optlen; M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct pgmiphdr) + num_prep, M_DONTWAIT); if (m == NULL) return ENOBUFS; pi = mtod(m, struct pgmiphdr *); bcopy(tp->p_template, pi, sizeof(*pi) ); if (tp->xmit_options) { /* * copy pgm options at the right place, using the mbuf copy * functions if they don't fit in the first mbuf... */ int offset; if (num_prep) { offset = sizeof(struct pgmiphdr); bcopy(tp->opt_ptr, m->m_data + offset, tp->xmit_optlen); } else { #if CONG_CON /* * For receivers, we assume that PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE is the * only option that they can send. Vice versa, we should * look for PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE in tp->opt_ptr */ offset = m->m_len; if (cmd == PGM_NAK_TYPE || cmd == PGM_ACK_TYPE) { u_int32_t num; int off; /* Fill lossrate and receiver-lead fields */ /* off is sizeof(OPT_LENGTH) + sizeof(pgm_option) */ off = OPT_HLEN + OPT_HLEN; num = htonl(tp->rx_loss); bcopy(&num, tp->opt_ptr + off, sizeof(num)); off += sizeof(tp->rx_loss); num = htonl(tp->rxw_lead); bcopy(&num, tp->opt_ptr + off, sizeof(num)); /* src_ip already copied in pgm_make_options */ DEB(printf("pgm_output: loss %u nak_seq %u 0x%lx\n", tp->rx_loss, tp->rxw_lead, ntohl(tp->p_template->pi_src.s_addr));) } m_copyback(m, offset, tp->xmit_optlen, tp->opt_ptr); /* XXX */ #endif } pi->pi_p.options |= PGM_OPT_PRESENT; } /* * len = payload length for ODATA or RDATA, so is 0 for others. */ pi->pi_p.tsdu_len = htons( len ); /* * We change the value of len for checksum computation: * len = PGM pkt length */ len = m->m_pkthdr.len - sizeof(struct ip); /* * Fill up any remaining fields in the header, and update state * in the control block (pointers, sequence numbers, etc.). */ switch(cmd) { case PGM_ACK_TYPE: pi->pi_p.type = PGM_ACK_TYPE; pi->pi_p.ack_req_seq = htonl(seqno); pi->pi_p.ack_rxw_lead = htonl(tp->rxw_lead); pi->pi_dst = tp->src_nla; break ; case PGM_NAK_TYPE: { u_int16_t *p = (u_int16_t *)&(pi->pi_p._seq2); /* the _seq2 field in NAK is 16-bit NLA AFI, 16 bit reserved */ p[0] = htons(1) ; /* NLA AFI for src IP */ p[1] = 0 ; /* reserved for src IP */ pi->pi_p.type = PGM_NAK_TYPE; pi->pi_p.nak_req_seq = htonl(seqno); pi->pi_dst = tp->path_nla; } break ; case PGM_NCF_TYPE: pi->pi_p.type = PGM_NCF_TYPE; pi->pi_p.nak_req_seq = htonl(seqno); DEB(printf("pgm_output: NCF for seq %u\n", seqno);) break; case PGM_SPM_TYPE: pi->pi_p.type = PGM_SPM_TYPE ; pi->pi_p.spm_txw_trail = htonl(tp->txw_trail); pi->pi_p.spm_seq = htonl(tp->spm_sqn); /* add a FIN if the time has come */ if (tp->tx_do_fin && tp->odata_curr == NULL) /* XXX */ pi->pi_p.options |= PGM_OPT_FIN2 ; break ; case PGM_OD_TYPE: /* * XXX todo -- on timeout, if we got the previous pkt, do not * advance the window. */ tp->odata_curr = tp->odata_curr->m_nextpkt ; /* advance ptr */ tp->txw_lead++; pi->pi_p.type = PGM_OD_TYPE; pi->pi_p.od_txw_trail = htonl(tp->txw_trail) ; pi->pi_p.od_dp_seq = htonl(tp->txw_lead); DEB(printf("pgm_output: ODATA packet seq %u\n", tp->txw_lead);) break ; case PGM_RD_TYPE: { struct pgm_data_q *r = tp->rdata_head ; pi->pi_p.type = PGM_RD_TYPE; pi->pi_p.od_txw_trail = htonl(tp->txw_trail); pi->pi_p.od_dp_seq = htonl(r->seq); DEB(printf("pgm_output: RDATA for packet %u\n", r->seq);) tp->rdata_head = r->next; /* advance pointer and free queue */ free(r, M_PCB); } break; } /* * PGM checksum starts from the PGM header. It _does not_ include * the IP header (or the pseudoheader for what matters). */ pi->pi_sum = 0 ; if ( pgmcksum ) { /* skip ip header... */ m->m_len -= sizeof(struct ip) ; m->m_pkthdr.len -= sizeof(struct ip) ; m->m_data += sizeof(struct ip) ; if ((pi->pi_sum = in_cksum(m, len)) == 0) pi->pi_sum = 0xffff ; m->m_len += sizeof(struct ip) ; m->m_pkthdr.len += sizeof(struct ip) ; m->m_data -= sizeof(struct ip) ; } pgmstat.pgms_opackets++; ((struct ip *)pi)->ip_len = len + sizeof (struct ip) ; ((struct ip *)pi)->ip_ttl = inp->inp_ip_ttl; /* XXX */ ((struct ip *)pi)->ip_tos = inp->inp_ip_tos; /* XXX */ my_m = NULL; if (tp->rx_nak_mc && cmd == PGM_NAK_TYPE) { /* * XXX here should make sure that the struct pgmiphdr is in * an mbuf, not a cluster. This is true for the code above. */ my_m = m_copypacket(m, M_DONTWAIT); if (my_m) { pi = mtod(my_m, struct pgmiphdr *); pi->pi_dst = inp->inp_laddr; inp->inp_moptions->imo_multicast_ttl = 1; /* MC NAKs have TTL = 1 */ error = ip_output(my_m, opt, &inp->inp_route, inp->inp_socket->so_options & (SO_DONTROUTE | SO_BROADCAST), inp->inp_moptions); } } error = ip_output(m, opt, &inp->inp_route, inp->inp_socket->so_options & (SO_DONTROUTE | SO_BROADCAST), inp->inp_moptions); if (error) printf("--- pgm_output: ip_output error\n"); return error ; } static int pgm_abort(struct socket *so) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct pgmcb *tp = NULL ; int s ; struct pgm_data_q *q ; DEB(printf("pgm_abort\n");) if (inp == NULL) return EINVAL; s = splnet() ; /* XXX not sure it is really needed... */ tp = intopgmcb(inp); tp->state = PGM_CLOSED ; /* so input will not touch us */ /* free data structures... */ while ( (q = tp->rdata_head) != NULL ) { tp->rdata_head = q->next; free(q, M_PCB); } while ( (q = tp->odata_trail_head) != NULL ) { tp->odata_trail_head = q->next; free(q, M_PCB); } while ( PGM_Q_NONEMPTY(tp->seg_next) ) { struct pgm_pkt_q *q = tp->seg_next ; if (q->type == T_ODATA && q->u.d.m) m_freem(q->u.d.m); tp->seg_next = q->seg_next ; free(q, M_PCB); } if (tp->xmit_options) free(tp->opt_ptr, M_PCB); if (tp->p_template) m_free(dtom(tp->p_template)); free(tp, M_PCB); inp->inp_ppcb = 0; soisdisconnected(so); in_pcbdetach(inp); splx(s); return 0 ; } static int pgm_attach(struct socket *so, int proto, struct proc *p) { struct inpcb *inp = NULL; /* XXX BC was sotoinpcb(so) */ struct pgmcb *tp = NULL; int error, s; DEB(printf("pgm_attach\n");) if (inp != NULL) return EINVAL; s = splnet(); error = in_pcballoc( so, &pgmcbinfo, p ); if (error) goto done; inp = sotoinpcb(so); tp = pgm_newpgmcb(inp); if (tp == 0) { int nofd = so->so_state & SS_NOFDREF; /* XXX */ so->so_state &= ~SS_NOFDREF; /* don't free the socket yet */ in_pcbdetach(inp); so->so_state |= nofd; error = ENOBUFS ; goto done; } error = soreserve(so, pgm_sendspace, pgm_recvspace); if (error) goto done; ((struct inpcb *) so->so_pcb)->inp_ip_ttl = ip_defttl; done: splx(s); return error; } /* * API: we can do a bind() on both rx and tx sockets, only allowed * in PGM_NEW state. Bind is optional for a sender, and if done must * preceed the connect() call. * sin_addr, sin_port: anything (both sender and receiver) * For a receiver, sin_addr = multicast address, * sin_port = destination port (local endpoint). * For a sender, sin_addr is usally INADDR_ANY (or an IP for a * local interface), sin_port is either 0 or the chosen port. * gsid == 0, sport == 0: get all matching pkts (raw, receiver only) * gsid == 0, sport == sin_port: commit as sender. * (we still need a connect...) * gsid != 0, sport != 0: commit as receiver * once committed, cannot bind again. * */ static int pgm_bind(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct proc *p) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct pgmcb *tp = NULL ; int error =0, s ; DEB(printf("pgm_bind\n");) if (inp == NULL) return EINVAL; tp = intopgmcb(inp); s = splnet(); if (tp->state != PGM_NEW ) { printf("--- pgm_bind: socket already committed\n"); error = EINVAL ; } if (error == 0) error = in_pcbbind( inp, nam, p ); DEB(printf("pgm_bind: in_pcbind error: %d\n",error);) if (error == 0) { struct sockaddr_pgm *sin = (struct sockaddr_pgm *) nam; if (sin->gsid_high == 0 && sin->gsid_low == 0) { if (sin->sport == sin->sin_port) { DEB(printf("pgm_bind: sin_port == sport, sender mode\n");) tp->state = PGM_SENDER; tp->sport = inp->inp_lport; } else if (sin->sport == 0) { /* receiver... just listen for everything */ DEB(printf("soisconnecting for everything\n");) tp->state = PGM_RECEIVER ; soisconnecting(so); } else { printf("--- pgm_bind: invalid sport with gsi == 0\n"); error = EINVAL ; } } else { if (sin->sport == 0) { printf("--- pgm_bind: invalid sport with gsi != 0\n"); error = EINVAL ; } else { tp->have_gsi = 1 ; tp->gsid_low = sin->gsid_low ; tp->gsid_high = sin->gsid_high ; tp->sport = inp->inp_fport = sin->sport ; tp->state = PGM_RECEIVER ; /* pgm_template needs TSI and state initialized in the pgmcb */ tp->p_template = pgm_template(tp, nam); if (tp->p_template == 0) error = ENOBUFS; else { if (tp->rx_do_loss) { /* default: enable lossrate report */ tp->xmit_options |= OPT_LOSSRATE ; error = pgm_make_options(tp); if (error) printf("--- pgm_bind: OUCH pgm_make_option failed"); } soisconnecting(so); } } } } splx(s); return error ; } static int pgm_connect(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct proc *p) { int error = 0, s; struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct pgmcb *tp = intopgmcb(inp); struct in_addr local_addr ; local_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; /* just to set some value */ DEB(printf("pgm: pgm_connect\n");); if (tp->state != PGM_NEW && tp->state != PGM_SENDER) { printf("--- pgm_connect: invalid state %d for connect\n", tp->state); return EINVAL ; } s = splnet(); /* If the socket has not been bound with a local port, * in_pcbbind assigns one automatically. After in_pcbbind * set inp_laddr to INADDR_ANY to let in_pcbconnect to * find the uc IP address of the interface. * XXX save the address so we can use it if pcbconnect returns 0 */ if (inp->inp_lport == 0) { error = in_pcbbind( inp, nam, p ); local_addr = inp->inp_laddr ; printf("connect: local is 0x%x\n", ntohl(local_addr.s_addr) ); inp->inp_laddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } if (error == 0) { if (inp->inp_faddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) { printf("--- pgm_connect: faddr != INADDR_ANY, 0x%lx\n", ntohl(inp->inp_faddr.s_addr ) ); error = EISCONN; } else { error = in_pcbconnect( inp, nam, p ); if (inp->inp_laddr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) { printf("warning, in_pcbconnect set laddr INADDR_ANY, try 0x%x\n", ntohl(local_addr.s_addr)); inp->inp_laddr = local_addr ; } } } if (error == 0) { tp->state = PGM_SENDER; tp->sport = inp->inp_lport; tp->have_gsi = 1; tp->gsid_low = htonl(pgm_gsid_low); tp->gsid_high = htons(pgm_gsid_high); /* pgm_template needs TSI and state initialized in the pgmcb */ tp->p_template = pgm_template(tp, nam); if (tp->p_template == 0) { in_pcbdisconnect(inp); error = ENOBUFS ; } else { soisconnected(so); } tp->cc_token = PGMCC_C(1); tp->cc_window = PGMCC_C(1); } splx(s); return error ; } static int pgm_detach(struct socket *so) { DEB(printf("pgm_detach\n"); ); return pgm_abort(so); }; static int pgm_disconnect(struct socket *so) { DEB(printf("pgm_disconnect\n"); ); return pgm_abort(so); }; /* * at the moment, can only work in state PGM_SENDER and with * a valid template. */ static int pgm_send(struct socket *so, int flags, struct mbuf *m, struct sockaddr *nam, struct mbuf *control, struct proc *p) { struct inpcb *inp= sotoinpcb(so); struct pgmcb *tp = intopgmcb(inp); int s, error = 0; DEB(printf("pgm_send\n");) if (control) { printf("pgm: PRU_SEND: control_len %d\n", control->m_len); m_freem(control); /* XXX shouldn't caller do this??? */ } if (nam) { printf("--- pgm_send: PRU_SEND: don't want an address!\n"); m_freem(m); return EISCONN ; } if (tp->state != PGM_SENDER || tp->p_template == NULL) { printf("--- pgm_send: socket not ready to send\n"); return EINVAL ; } s = splnet(); sbappendrecord(&so->so_snd, m); if (tp->odata_curr == NULL) /* prepare the xmit queue */ tp->odata_curr = m ; pgm_data_move(tp); /* send through the traffic shaper */ splx(s); return error; /* don't want to free the buffer */ } static int pgm_shutdown(struct socket *so) { struct inpcb *inp = sotoinpcb(so); struct pgmcb *tp = intopgmcb(inp); DDB(printf("pgm_shutdown\n"); ); if (inp == 0) return EINVAL; socantsendmore(so); tp->tx_do_fin = 1 ; if (tp->odata_curr == NULL) pgm_output(tp, PGM_SPM_TYPE, 0 /* unused here */); return 0 ; } struct pr_usrreqs pgm_usrreqs = { pgm_abort, pru_accept_notsupp, pgm_attach, pgm_bind, pgm_connect, pru_connect2_notsupp, in_control, pgm_detach, pgm_disconnect, pru_listen_notsupp, in_setpeeraddr, pru_rcvd_notsupp, pru_rcvoob_notsupp, pgm_send, pru_sense_null, pgm_shutdown, in_setsockaddr, sosend, soreceive, sopoll }; /* * pgm_template creates a template pkt for the sender. * We depend on some fields (gsid, sport, dport) being initialized * earlier. */ static struct pgmiphdr * pgm_template(struct pgmcb *tp, struct sockaddr *nam) { struct inpcb *inp = tp->p_inpcb; struct pgmiphdr *pi; struct sockaddr_in *ifaddr; int error; pi = tp->p_template ; if ( pi == NULL ) { struct mbuf *m = m_get(M_DONTWAIT, MT_HEADER); if (m == NULL) return NULL ; m->m_len = sizeof (struct pgmiphdr); pi = mtod(m, struct pgmiphdr *); } else { printf("--- warning, p_template already set, state %d\n", tp->state); } bzero( pi, sizeof (*pi) ); /* IP header */ pi->pi_pr = IPPROTO_PGM ; pi->pi_len = htons(sizeof (struct pgmhdr) ) ; if (tp->state == PGM_RECEIVER) { inp->inp_laddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (error = in_pcbladdr(inp, nam, &ifaddr)) return NULL; pi->pi_src = ifaddr->sin_addr; ifaddr = (struct sockaddr_in*)nam; inp->inp_laddr = ifaddr->sin_addr; DEB(printf("pgm_template: src IP addr = 0x%lx, inp_laddr 0x%lx\n", ntohl(pi->pi_src.s_addr), ntohl(inp->inp_laddr.s_addr));) } else { /* must be PGM_SENDER */ pi->pi_src = inp->inp_laddr; if (tp->enable_cc) { tp->xmit_options |= OPT_SENDER_CC ; /* XXX support for cong.contr */ error = pgm_make_options(tp); if (error) printf("--- pgm_template: OUCH pgm_make_option failed"); } } pi->pi_dst = inp->inp_faddr; /* PGM header */ pi->pi_p.ph_sport = inp->inp_lport; pi->pi_p.ph_dport = inp->inp_fport; pi->pi_p.type = PGM_OD_TYPE; pi->pi_p.options = 0; pi->pi_p.checksum = 0; pi->pi_p.gsid_low = tp->gsid_low; pi->pi_p.gsid_high = tp->gsid_high; pi->pi_p.tsdu_len = pi->pi_p._seq1 = pi->pi_p._seq2 = 0; return pi ; } void pgm_drain() { printf("PGM: pgm_drain()\n"); } void pgm_init() { struct ipoption *ra; /* * init hash list for pgm control blocks */ LIST_INIT(&pgmcb) ; pgmcbinfo.listhead = &pgmcb ; pgmcbinfo.hashbase = hashinit(PGMCBHASHSIZE, M_PCB, &pgmcbinfo.hashmask); pgmcbinfo.porthashbase = hashinit(PGMCBHASHSIZE, M_PCB, &pgmcbinfo.porthashmask); pgmcbinfo.ipi_zone = zinit("pgmcb", sizeof(struct inpcb), maxsockets, ZONE_INTERRUPT, 0); /* * update global variables */ if (max_protohdr < sizeof(struct pgmhdr)) max_protohdr = sizeof(struct pgmhdr) ; if (max_linkhdr + sizeof(struct pgmhdr) > MHLEN) panic("pgm_init: headers too long"); /* * Construct a Router Alert option to use in outgoing packets */ MGET(pgm_router_alert, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); /* XXX might fail, just hope not! */ ra = mtod(pgm_router_alert, struct ipoption *); ra->ipopt_dst.s_addr = 0; ra->ipopt_list[0] = IPOPT_RA; /* Router Alert Option */ ra->ipopt_list[1] = 0x04; /* 4 bytes long */ ra->ipopt_list[2] = 0x00; ra->ipopt_list[3] = 0x00; pgm_router_alert->m_len = sizeof(ra->ipopt_dst) + ra->ipopt_list[1]; timeout(pgm_timer, NULL, 1); } void pgm_ctlinput(int cmd, struct sockaddr *sa, void *vip) { printf("PGM: pgm_ctlinput\n"); } #define GET_INT_ARG(x, min, max) \ error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &x, sizeof x, sizeof x); \ if (error) break ; \ if ( (x) < (min) || (x) > (max) ) { \ error = EINVAL ; break ; } #define PUT_INT_ARG(x) \ optval = (x) ; error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval); int pgm_ctloutput ( struct socket *so, struct sockopt *sopt) { int error = 0, optval, s; struct inpcb *inp; struct pgmcb *tp; s = splnet(); /* really too coarse locking... */ inp = sotoinpcb(so); if (inp == NULL) { splx(s); return (ECONNRESET); } if (sopt->sopt_level != IPPROTO_PGM) { error = ip_ctloutput(so, sopt); splx(s); return (error); } tp = intopgmcb(inp); if (sopt->sopt_dir == SOPT_SET) { switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case PGM_TXW_MAX_RATE: GET_INT_ARG( optval, 0, 100000000 ); tp->txw_max_rte = tp->txw_curr_rte = optval; break; case PGM_TRAIL_ADVANCE: /* set trail advance method. */ GET_INT_ARG( optval, TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER, TRAIL_ADVANCE_USER ); if (tp->trail_advance_policy == optval) break ; /* no change */ switch (tp->trail_advance_policy) { case TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER: /* * Deallocate unused structures leaving this method. */ while ( tp->odata_trail_head != NULL ) { struct pgm_data_q *q = tp->odata_trail_head; tp->odata_trail_head = q->next; free(q, M_PCB); } break; case TRAIL_ADVANCE_DATA: break ; case TRAIL_ADVANCE_USER: /* should make socket non-blocking */ break; default: printf("--- pgm_ctloutput: should not get here !\n"); break; } tp->trail_advance_policy = optval; break; case PGM_ODATA_LIFETIME: /* sets odata lifetime */ if (tp->trail_advance_policy != TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER) { printf("This option needs TRAIL_ADVANCE_TIMER\n"); error = EINVAL; break; } GET_INT_ARG( optval, 0, 1000 ); tp->odata_lifetime = optval * hz; /* now in ticks */ break; case PGM_NAK_MC: /* send optional mc nak with TTL = 1 */ GET_INT_ARG( optval, 0, 1 ); tp->rx_nak_mc = optval; break; case PGM_OPT_JOIN: #if CONG_CON case PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE: #endif { u_int32_t opt = 0; GET_INT_ARG( optval, 0, 1 ); /* set/reset */ switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case PGM_OPT_JOIN: if (tp->state == PGM_RECEIVER || tp->state == PGM_RX_CONNECTED) { error = EINVAL ; break ; } opt = OPT_JOIN; break; #if CONG_CON case PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE: if (!tp->enable_cc || tp->state == PGM_SENDER) { error = EINVAL ; break; } opt = OPT_LOSSRATE; break; #endif default: error = EINVAL ; break; } if (error) break ; if (optval && (tp->xmit_options & opt)==0) tp->xmit_options |= opt; else if (!(optval || (tp->xmit_options & opt)==0)) tp->xmit_options &= ~opt; else /* no change */ break; if (tp->xmit_options) error = pgm_make_options(tp); else if (tp->xmit_optlen != 0) { free(tp->opt_ptr, M_PCB); tp->opt_ptr = NULL; tp->xmit_optlen = 0; } else { DDB(printf("--- pgm_ctloutput: invalid xmit_optlen. should not get here !\n");) } } break; default: error = ENOPROTOOPT; break; } } else if (sopt->sopt_dir == SOPT_GET) { switch (sopt->sopt_name) { case PGM_TXW_MAX_RATE: PUT_INT_ARG( tp->txw_max_rte ) ; break ; case PGM_HOLE_SIZE: PUT_INT_ARG( tp->rxw_next - tp->rxw_hole_start ); tp->rx_in_hole = 0; pgm_clean_reass(tp); break; case PGM_TSI: { struct sockaddr_pgm tsi; if (tp->state != PGM_SENDER) { error = EINVAL; break; } bzero((char *) &tsi, sizeof(struct sockaddr_pgm)); tsi.gsid_low = pgm_gsid_low; tsi.gsid_high = pgm_gsid_high; tsi.sport = tp->sport; /* XXX */ error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &tsi, sizeof(struct sockaddr_pgm)); } break; default: error = ENOPROTOOPT; break; } } splx(s); return (error); } /* * Create the option part of the pgm packet. * We assume that all options plus the header fit in one mbuf. */ int pgm_make_options(struct pgmcb *tp) { struct pgm_option *opt; int offset = 0, l = 0; /* l is the length of last option */ /* We assume that PGM options always fit in a single mbuf. * XXX: We should check if pgmtotlen fit in an MBUF */ if (tp->opt_ptr == NULL) { tp->opt_ptr = malloc(MHLEN, M_PCB, M_NOWAIT); /* XXX */ if (tp->opt_ptr == NULL) return ENOBUFS; } bzero(tp->opt_ptr, MHLEN); opt = (struct pgm_option *)tp->opt_ptr ; opt->type = PGM_OPT_LENGTH; opt->len = l = OPT_HLEN; opt->tot_len = 0 ; offset += l ; if (tp->xmit_options & OPT_JOIN) { struct pgm_opt_join *o = (struct pgm_opt_join *)(tp->opt_ptr + offset); o->hdr.type = PGM_OPT_JOIN; o->hdr.len = l = sizeof(*o); o->hdr.tot_len = 0 ; /* not significant here */ o->trail = htonl(tp->txw_trail) ; offset += l ; } #if CONG_CON if (tp->xmit_options & OPT_LOSSRATE) { struct pgm_opt_loss *o = (struct pgm_opt_loss *)(tp->opt_ptr + offset); o->hdr.type = PGM_OPT_LOSSRATE; o->hdr.len = l = sizeof(*o); o->hdr.tot_len = 0 ; /* not significant here */ /* We fill lossrate and receiver-lead fields in pgm_output */ o->nacker = tp->p_template->pi_src ; offset += l ; } if (tp->xmit_options & OPT_SENDER_CC) { struct pgm_opt_cc *o = (struct pgm_opt_cc *)(tp->opt_ptr + offset); tp->sender_cc_opt = o ; /* for xmitter to fill up */ o->hdr.type = PGM_OPT_SEND_NAK; o->hdr.len = l = sizeof(*o); o->hdr.tot_len = 0 ; /* not significant here */ o->acker.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ; offset += l ; } #endif opt = (struct pgm_option *)(tp->opt_ptr + offset - l ); opt->type |= PGM_OPT_END; tp->xmit_optlen = offset ; opt = (struct pgm_option *)(tp->opt_ptr); opt->tot_len = htons(tp->xmit_optlen) ; return 0; }