OneLab, links page

The Emulation Component is a part of the work
done by UniPi in the context of the EU OneLab project.

The purpose of this component is to emulate the behaviour of a wired or a wireless link. It is based on an external device, called Dummynet box, sitting on the link between Nodes and the rest of the Internet. The PLCAPI extension involves: - modification to the planetlab database to store DummynetBoxes; - a python `DummyBoxes' class and Methods to manipulate these additional information. In order to generate a new Dummynet box image, an additional package is needed, containing the picobsd.bin base image. The roles check is still in development. More information regarding the main architectural of the Emulation Component could be found on the 2nd and 3rd deliverables(*) provided as part of the OneLab project. (*) the 3rd will be available soon.