The Emulation Component is a part of the work done by UniPi in the context of the EU OneLab project.
The purpose of this component is to emulate the behavior of a wired or a wireless link. It is based on an external device, called Dummynet box, sitting on the link between Nodes and the rest of the Internet.
The database extensions involves the Central Site database and only require few extra field to describe dummynetboxes and their additional link to the nodes. The PLCAPI extension allows to do basic operation with the dummynetboxes, and the `netconfig' tool allows the emulation box to be configured dynamically.
This Emulation Component was developed in the OneLab project.
Using this emulator, a OneLab user can set up and configure
special network environment in order to perform experiments
with user-configurable features, modeling the behavior of
links of various type.
At the end of the project the main objectives was achieved, in particular: