# FAQ, quick help for set up and debug OneLab nodes
Who can log in a node?
You can see the user enabled to log in a node looking
at the login prompt of your node.
When the node is in debug mode only root (from OneLab site) can log in.
When the node is in boot mode the user enabled to log in are
the site_admin user, and all the user that own a slice.
How I can log in as root?
Logged in the central site you can do:
cd /etc/planetlab
ssh -l root -i debug_ssh_key.rsa onelab5.iet.unipi.it
On the PisaLab testbed all keys are store in the
nodes hosting machine too.
How I can log in?
You must create and upload your public key.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Now you have to wait for at least an hour because
the key has to propagate to the nodes.
To log in as site_admin:
the private key should be in /etc/planetlab/root_ssh_key.rsa
but is not working...
ssh -l site_admin -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa onelab5.iet.unipi.it
To log in a slice:
ssh -v -l <slice_name> -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa onelab5.iet.unipi.it
What I can do as site_admin?
A user logged in a slice can see only the slice private environment.
A site_admin can see more:
# See all processes (including those running in VServers)
sudo /usr/local/planetlab/bin/pl-ps
# See /var/log/messages
sudo /usr/local/planetlab/bin/pl-catlogs /var/log/messages
# See all network traffic
sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump
# Shutdown (halt) the node in 5 minutes
sudo /sbin/shutdown -h 5 "Scheduled maintenance, please save your work and logout"
# Set my password for console login
sudo /usr/bin/passwd site_admin
# Disable my password for console login
sudo /usr/bin/passwd -d site_admin
cat /proc/scout/ports/summary