Giuseppe Anastasi
Professor and Head of Department
Dept. of Information Engineering
University of Pisa
Address: Via Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy
Phone: +39 050 2217 500/559
E-mail: giuseppe.anastasi-at-iet.unipi.it
Skype: giuseppe.anastasi
We must endeavour to ensure that the
benefits of new digital technologies are put at the service of all
human individuals and communities, especially those who are most disadvantaged
and vulnerable (BENEDICT XVI).
Bio Sketches
Giuseppe Anastasi is a Professor and the Head of the Department of
Information Engineering (DII) at the University
of Pisa, Italy. He is also the Director of the Smart Cities National Lab, supported by CINI (Italian University Consortium for Informatics).
His scientific interests include Distributed and P2P Systems, Internet of Things, Sustainable Computing, and ICT for Smart Cities. He is a co-editor of two books, namely Advanced
Lectures in Networking (LNCS 2497, Springer, 2002) and Methodologies and Technologies for Networked Enterprises (LNCS 7200, Springer, 2012). He has published
more than 130 research papers in the area of computer networking and distributed
computing. His publications have received, overall, more than 5500 citations, according to Google Scholar (H-index=32).
He has co-founded and directed the Pervasive Computing & Networking
Laboratory (PerLab) at the University of Pisa, and has contributed
to many research programs funded by both national and international
Giuseppe is currently serving as: member of the Board of Directors at the Italian National University Consortium for Informatics (CINI); member of the Scientific Committee at the CNR Department of ICT, Energy and Transports.
Previously, he has served as: Area Editor of Pervasive
and Mobile Computing (PMC, 2007-16); Associate Editor of Sustainable Computing (SUSCOM, 2010-15); Area Editor of Computer Communications (ComCom, 2008-10); General Co-chair of IEEE WoWMoM 2005;
Program Co-chair of SMARTCOMP 2016, IEEE MSN 2015, IFIP/IEEE SustainIT 2012, IEEE
PerCom 2010 and IEEE WoWMoM
2008; Vice Program Chair of IEEE
MASS 2007. He has been the co-founder of a number of successful international workshops and conferences.
Giuseppe received the M.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering,
and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering, both from the University
of Pisa, in 1990 and 1995, respectively.